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Drugs And Alcohol

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Term Papers 1 - 30

Difficulties in Diagnosing and Treating Comorbidity

Difficulties in Diagnosing and Treating Comorbidity By: Joseph L. Lagos In order to understand the difficulties involved in tr...

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Jlagos Published on 10/19/2006 3247 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

Decriminalization of Marijuana

Marijuana is a drug obtained from dried and crumpled parts of the universal hemp plant Cannabis sativa (or Cannabis indicia). It ...

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lsierra Published on 10/14/2006 3084 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

History of Absinthe

Absinthe, also known as the green fairy, has a romantic history like no other drink (Conrad, 1953). From humble beginnings as a “...

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apollo_crash Published on 01/12/2006 2673 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

Alcohol among our teenagers

This is a letter i wrote last christmas when i was bored addressed to the editor of a local newspaper in The Bahamas, where i live...

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ggd9 Published on 01/22/2005 2546 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

Steroids research paper

Athletics today is not the same as it was 20 years ago or even 10 years ago. As the years have past our athletic events have beco...

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craneman86 Published on 12/07/2004 2566 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

the legalization of marijuana

Essay three: Legalization of Marijuana The legalization of marijuana has be...

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muffythediver Published on 11/10/2004 2572 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana The scientific name for marijuana is cannabis sativa, but it is more commonly known as weed, pot, or a hand...

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Jiggaman827 Published on 10/20/2004 2864 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

/export/store/ marijuana.doc...

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Jiggaman827 Published on 10/20/2004 250 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

Marijuana in youth

Drugs in Youth Drugs in young people are one of the major problems concerning the younger generations. Drugs effect the youth...

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tomgood152 Published on 06/21/2004 2689 Reads Drugs And Alcohol


MARIJUANA Marijuana is a mood altering or psychoactive drug that has many nicknames, such as pot, weed, ganja, sensi, he...

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JbKornFan Published on 12/18/2003 2688 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

Alcohol Advertisments

One Too Many It is not fair to say that all people drink to gain acceptance, or that all people use drinking to create a new self...

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Pussycatt Published on 11/16/2002 2337 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

Marijuana: Why Is It Illegal, And What About It Turns People On?

The light smoke fills my lungs as I take a drag from a rolled-up joint. The smoke wafts into the air and I sniff it in. A minute l...

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Cupid Published on 09/23/2002 2518 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

An Unbalanced Equation

An Unbalanced Equation I think the number one cause of youth association of drugs is the un-involvement of the parents. All maj...

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SydNeshia Published on 07/08/2002 2640 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

The Legalization of Marijuana

One question that has haunted Americans for a long time is: “Should the use of marijuana be legalized?” Some say, “Yes”, while oth...

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tummyluvin Published on 04/18/2002 2663 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

Decriminalization of Marijuana

Marijuana is a drug obtained from dried and crumpled parts of the universal hemp plant Cannabis sativa (or Cannabis indicia). It i...

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sana Published on 04/17/2002 2645 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

Underage Drinking

Who is to judge whether or not someone underage is mature enough to handle the responsibility of consuming alcohol? The government...

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JWA Published on 04/02/2002 2859 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

Candid View on Drinking

Paul Kantner once said, "If you can remember anything about the sixties, you weren't really there." I feel this same way when talk...

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Escada Published on 02/27/2002 2317 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

Argumentative: Let's Smoke Some Pot

In most countries, marijuana is by law illegal because of its classification as an illicit drug, but the controversial issues have...

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marcus_0413 Published on 02/05/2002 2566 Reads Drugs And Alcohol


People have been using Marijuana as a medicine for thousands of years, beginning in China, India, and the Middle East. The plant's...

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POE1313 Published on 12/19/2001 2018 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

Alcohol Research Assignment

Alcohol Dependence: Comprehension and Application. Outline the physiological effects of alcohol consumption, both short-term an...

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hally Published on 10/19/2001 2802 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

The Propaganda of Drink Driving

Each year numerous lives are lost due to careless and irrational driving. The disregard for safe driving has been a predicament to...

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hally Published on 10/19/2001 2996 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

The Unanswered Question - the Legalization of Marijuana

One question that has haunted Americans for a long time is: “ Should the use of marijuana be legalized?” Some say, “Yes”, while ot...

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bigtrina Published on 10/16/2001 2482 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

Colombia vs. Morality

Colombia is a country wrought with poverty, corruption, and violence. It has gained leader for its drug trafficking and scandalous...

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bestbet33 Published on 09/17/2001 2381 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

Steroids in Sports

All about Steroids Understanding steroid Steroids nature Steroids that are used by athletes are the artificial form of testos...

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Hisham A. Khalek Published on 06/07/2001 3029 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

Drink Driving - Persuasive Essay

Each year numerous lives are lost due to careless and irrational driving. The disregard for safe driving has been a predicament to...

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hally Published on 06/02/2001 7340 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

Maijuana legalized for good

People have been using Marijuana as a medicine for thousands of years, beginning in China, India, and the Middle East. The plant's...

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mel4evr Published on 03/25/2001 2448 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

Drug Abuse and Reprocussions Thereof

Facing everyday problemsin these recent years many people turn to drugs as an escape from the existance they hold. Drug use has ra...

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ehsboarder Published on 03/14/2001 2227 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

Cocaine Addiction

Everybody knows cocaine is bad for you. So why do so many people take it? It gets you high. You feel good for a little while. Then...

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vessli Published on 03/13/2001 2766 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

Make Tobacco Illegal and Legalize Marijuana

There have been lots of views and opinions surrounding the arguments whether marijuana should be legalized and if tobacco should b...

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ilak_1 Published on 02/26/2001 2422 Reads Drugs And Alcohol

Alcoholism: A disease or an Addiction?

Most people have a confused idea of alcoholism as a disease that invades or attacks your good health. Use of such a strong word su...

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join_me_ Published on 02/15/2001 2906 Reads Drugs And Alcohol