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The Propaganda of Drink Driving

Uploaded by hally on Oct 19, 2001

Each year numerous lives are lost due to careless and irrational driving. The disregard for safe driving has been a predicament to Queensland for years. For many years’ police have relied heavily on speed cameras, breathe testing and heavy fines as a deterrent against unlawful drivers. Over the years fatality rates have increased, so Queensland Transport has composed a series of safe driving campaigns. On many occasions the transport department informs and advises the public about the importance of responsible driving. They propagate safe driving through the various channels of the media. Their safe driving campaign is now using effective propaganda aimed directly at speeding; drink driving and tired and reckless driving.

Repetition is often used in the safe driving campaigns in order to successfully convey their message and also to ensure, that the viewer retains their main idea. Fear is also often used in an effort reach the viewer on an emotional level. Presently the Government and the transport department have worked in collaboration with one another to bring forth a message to the public about road safety. And since road fatalities have affected Australia so much that the advice has become propaganda in every sense of the term – There is one idea propagated repeatedly in an emotional manner with appropriate cartoons and even name-calling. But has the massive propaganda campaign set out by the Government and the transport department been effective in ensuring the safety of motorists?

Philosophy is important when it comes to propaganda, mainly because a propaganda primarily focus’s on one main idea. The safe driving campaign is directed to be of the general good for the public. It convinces the common people of the importance of life and makes them aware of the consequences that come from small and simple choices they make everyday.

Article #1 is a very effective piece of propaganda in that it captures the reader’s attention successfully by placing a picture of a dog in the focal point of the article. The dog plays a vital role in this piece of propaganda in that it represents a loved one, family and anything cherished. It shows what could be left behind, if a driver chose to ignore safe driving. The breed of dog is also very important. Choosing a sorrowful dogs face, further enhanced the emotions of the reader, as the article wouldn’t have the same effect if a dangerous dog was...

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Uploaded by:   hally

Date:   10/19/2001

Category:   Drugs And Alcohol

Length:   4 pages (915 words)

Views:   2997

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The Propaganda of Drink Driving

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