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Alcohol among our teenagers

Uploaded by ggd9 on Jan 22, 2005

This is a letter i wrote last christmas when i was bored addressed to the editor of a local newspaper in The Bahamas, where i live.
Hope you enjoy.

Dear Editor and my fellow Bahamian public, I am disturbed, disgruntled and shocked at the magnitude of carelessness that the public shows for the well-being and security of our youth. Recently, I was invited with a few friends to join them to celebrate at one of the local clubs in downtown Nassau. I was pleased to join them and proceeded to ride with them to the clubs. On the way to the club, we stopped to one of the many local bars for some beers; just a few (10), some gin and a bottle of Carlo Rassi. Subsequently, we rode to a popular club where we enjoyed ourselves, got wasted and partied. At the club, I purchased even more beer, much more; rum and even a cigarette. At 4 o’clock in the morning we drove home as intoxicated as ever.
Yes, I know; what’s the big deal? What’s the raucous about? Why am I disgruntled and disturbed? It’s the norm in our society… everyone does it but; I am SIXTEEN! Much worse, the people I rode with were between the ages of 14 and 17; no one had a license, no one even had a permit and none of us were over the legal age to consume alcohol. However, occurrences similar and even worse than this happen every day under the very eyes of the same policeman who are suppose to be ‘protecting the public’.
My question to the public, and most importantly the government is; why are the youth able to get away with so much devious activity? Where were the security guards at the club who were suppose to be looking at ID to ensure that teenagers do not enter? Where were the policemen who were were suppose to be monitoring the streets for drunk drivers and young drivers? Much more, where were the parents who were supposed to be ensuring the well-being of their children?
I may sound contradictory when I say that Im disturbed that I was able to do these things but Im not. The reason I went to the clubs, got drunk and drove without a license is because I could. There may be restrictions written on paper, but are they practiced? Are they regulated? Maybe...

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Uploaded by:   ggd9

Date:   01/22/2005

Category:   Drugs And Alcohol

Length:   4 pages (791 words)

Views:   2547

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Alcohol among our teenagers

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