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Term Papers 31 - 60

Role of Information Technology in Real Estate

INTRODUCTION The real estate industry brings together people and information. For example, information from...

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Shailesh Published on 10/12/2007 2887 Reads Science And Technology

Role of Information Technology in Real Estate

INTRODUCTION The real estate industry brings together people and information. For example, information from...

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Shailesh Published on 10/12/2007 2701 Reads Science And Technology

ALUMINIUM VERSUS ALUMINUM - Why a difference in spelling

The metal was named by the English chemist Sir Humphry Davy, even though he was unable to isolate it: that took another two decade...

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joff Published on 02/13/2007 2615 Reads Physics

Graduration Day

Clemmitt, C Philosophy 195 Steven, C Graduation day and I’m freaking out. Panic is becoming my state of mind...

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scir0cc0 Published on 12/19/2006 2696 Reads Psychology

Friedman: The World is Flat -- America's Future in Engineering

In nearly every science-fiction film ever produced, the pinnacle of excitement is always when a captain demands that the ship be “...

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masone4718 Published on 12/05/2006 2517 Reads Science And Technology

Creating a profile of a developmental stage of the lifespan- adolescent

Creating a profile of a developmental stage of the lifespan In this essay, I am going to discuss the developmental stag...

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babydido Published on 09/20/2006 3331 Reads Psychology

Money spent on research is almost a good investment, even when the results of that research are cont

Money spent on research is almost a good investment, even when the results of that ...

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ssan_k Published on 08/29/2006 2002 Reads Science And Technology

Online Alexithymia Questionnaire (OAQ)

Online Alexithymia Questionnaire target-factors: [GO TO THIS LINK FOR AN AUTOMATED ...

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Jason Thompson Published on 05/26/2006 3207 Reads Psychology

Computer Games: Addictive and Time-Consuming

Entertainment plays a big role in everyday life. “Games, video, computer, online games, Playstations, etc can be used as entertain...

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Gix Published on 05/03/2006 3238 Reads Technology

Who am I? Where is here? When is now?

Often when I look at the stars when I’m in bed at night I shudder to think of my insignificance in the immensity of the Universe...

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[Digital^Dude] Published on 05/02/2006 2115 Reads Science And Technology

Investigation into the factors that effect rennin

RESEARCH I know that Rennin is an enzyme, so before conducting this experiment I am first going to do some research into enzymes ...

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Sxyclr Published on 01/17/2006 4059 Reads Biology


Revenge cannot be explained through psychological analysis, revenge is a human instinct. It is traced back to the days of the cave...

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Bag puss Published on 01/17/2006 3824 Reads Psychology

Acid Rain

Acid Rain Written by: Ali Ridha Introduction Acid rain has become an environmental concern of global importance within the last ...

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packsfan430 Published on 01/02/2006 3471 Reads Acid Rain

Acid Rain

Acid Rain Written by: Unregistered Introduction Acid rain has become an environmental concern of global importance within th...

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packsfan430 Published on 01/02/2006 3871 Reads Acid Rain

Pros and cons of genetic alteration

Do you want to be exceptionally good at sports? Excluding the fact that you may be naturally gifted and/or you have trained for sp...

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allenxiao521 Published on 12/10/2005 2515 Reads Science And Technology


A Brief History of Wine "Pinot needs constant care and attention, it can't thrive if neglected.” (Film Sideways) ‘Wine is an a...

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mshams Published on 12/01/2005 2897 Reads Chemistry

Comp Sci

Random Variable A random variable X is a rule that assigns a numerical value to each outcome in the sample space of an experimen...

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blackboi66 Published on 11/30/2005 2273 Reads Science And Technology

Stem Cells: Could This Be The Cure For Cancer?

Stem Cells: Could this be the technology to cure cancer? By: Ali Ridha Stem cells could be the greatest medi...

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packsfan430 Published on 11/07/2005 2661 Reads Biology

Tsunami's - A Geologic Hazard - REPORT

Please note this is a "Scientific Report" not an essay please bare this in mind. Introduction ...

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apollo_crash Published on 11/02/2005 2357 Reads Science And Technology


There is an abundant amount of animal species in the world. They all have adapted and evolved to survive in their surroundings. ...

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jarlocke Published on 09/26/2005 2674 Reads Animals

Proteinaceous Infectious Particles

Over the years there have been many documented cases of diseases for which there appeared to be no cause. Only within the late 20t...

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Xerxes Published on 09/21/2005 2844 Reads Biology

Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia

Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Alzheimer’s disease is emerging to potentially become the largest medical problem facing the eld...

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Nategrey Published on 08/05/2005 2913 Reads Science And Technology

Effects of Alcohol on the Brain

Almost everyone has tried alcohol at some stage, and many also use it as a regular basis in parties and other special occasions. W...

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harsh_way Published on 05/15/2005 5261 Reads Psychology

How Your Immune System Works

How the Immune System Works The immune system defends the body from attack by "invaders" recognized as foreign. It is an extrao...

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Sheryu Published on 05/12/2005 2943 Reads Biology

Breeding Roses (this comes in handy for biology if your studying plants and need some extra credit)

Every rose breeder has certain more or less definite ideals or objectives toward which his breeding efforts are directed. Some o...

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Sheryu Published on 05/12/2005 2846 Reads Biology

Psychology Theories

Sigmund Freud Biography Sigmund Freud was born on 6th May 1856 in Moravia’s town Freiberg. He lived the most of...

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tauseef Published on 05/05/2005 7576 Reads Psychology

Nature vs Nurture

Nature is when a person is influenced by the inherited genes and nurture is when a person is influenced by the environment and sur...

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tauseef Published on 05/05/2005 4372 Reads Psychology


Since the first vaccine in 1796 for smallpox, made by Edward Jenner, modern science has managed to create vaccines to give us immu...

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sanjmo Published on 05/03/2005 3507 Reads Biology

Natrual Selection Informitive

Natural Selection Table of Contents...

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steinauf Published on 05/03/2005 2530 Reads Biology

hybrid vehicles

Hybrid Vehicles 1 Hybrid Vehicles: (Effects on the environment) Arthur Gil Environmental Investigations Profe...

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swiss_2415 Published on 05/02/2005 1810 Reads Science And Technology