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Term Papers 1 - 30
A Study of Network Based Simulators Asim Qayyum BL735753 Department of Computer Science Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad ...
Asimsatti1 Published on 06/25/2018 2175 Reads Technology
Social studies vary between the countries and human society that is not a synonymous of social science and sociology.Social studie...
Janifar310 Published on 05/25/2013 3121 Reads Technology
A Research paper also known as academic journal is a peer-reviewed periodical by which a student is assessed by an academician. Ac...
Janifar310 Published on 04/16/2013 3397 Reads Technology
We provide content development services for development of academic essays. Our expert team of professionals put their hard core e...
Janifar310 Published on 03/12/2013 2888 Reads Technology
Overcome through the countless abilities as well as spells obtainable? Uncertain regarding ability rot, creating abilities as well...
darkran Published on 01/05/2013 3155 Reads Technology
This promotion has two parts, one has related to the prices and one along with actual game-play. On the prices component, once we ...
2guildwars2 Published on 12/07/2012 4889 Reads Technology
EA as well as Bioware produced a good brand new method for Celebrity Conflicts enthusiasts to savor the actual much far world alon...
aroline Published on 08/28/2012 2737 Reads Technology
Entertainment plays a big role in everyday life. “Games, video, computer, online games, Playstations, etc can be used as entertain...
Gix Published on 05/03/2006 3282 Reads Technology
Hard to believe that the simplest atom in the universe is used in the making of the most destructive weapon known to man i...
paintbreak2000 Published on 11/16/2004 3213 Reads Technology
/export/store/planetpapers.com/public_html/admin/uploads/1100240345-CAUGHT IN THE WEB.doc...
Ellagrama Published on 11/12/2004 2506 Reads Technology
Presentation of the Issue Governments employ spyware to track potential criminals and suspected terrorists, specifically Osama ...
grifd437 Published on 06/02/2004 2849 Reads Technology
Welcome To the World of Ports In the modern technological world today, society has expanded and increased our knowle...
gpavlushkin Published on 12/12/2003 2611 Reads Technology
Abstract Conventional user input devices such as keyboards and mice are not natural or necessarily intuitive and are often detrim...
Ethan Published on 11/09/2002 2571 Reads Technology
The world of today is drastically different from that of twenty years ago. Ideas, life, and technology have changed in many ways. ...
ghostintheshell Published on 05/11/2002 2893 Reads Technology
The patents protect a new and unique method for a semiconductor integrated read/write head using a high-k dielectric ferroelectric...
fedrive Published on 03/04/2002 2498 Reads Technology
Ever since the introduction of the tank into modern ground combat, it has been a bold symbol of armies of all countries. Its begin...
agatina Published on 03/03/2002 4681 Reads Technology
Over the years, to this date, the media has distorted the definition of a hacker. It has been morphed and demonized to someone who...
devicenull Published on 11/16/2001 2532 Reads Technology
With the Dotcom gold rush and the advent of the Internet, the world has proliferated and grew more sophisticated. The Internet, ju...
keeman Published on 10/31/2001 4294 Reads Technology
The use of computers within the business and government sector has said to have ‘rapidly increased over the last fifteen years’; t...
mary_jane Published on 10/17/2001 2890 Reads Technology
Shopping on the Internet is increasing but would you do business this way? The Internet?s popularity has dramatically escalated...
hally Published on 06/02/2001 3315 Reads Technology
There is no noun with the ability to represent modern life other than computer. Whether the effect is negative or positive, comput...
ssnum4 Published on 05/20/2001 2562 Reads Technology
“Many facts concur to show that we must look far deeper for our salvation than to steam, photographs, balloons or astronomy. These...
ccchhhrrriiisss Published on 05/03/2001 2754 Reads Technology
Introduction to Mobile Phone Mobile Phone is a wireless device that emits RFR (radio-frequency radiation) to transmit data and al...
asiung24 Published on 04/16/2001 2578 Reads Technology
There are currently over a billion pages of information on the Internet about every topic imaginable. The question is how can you ...
blesar Published on 04/16/2001 2637 Reads Technology
In the past decade there has been a great deal of worrying about what will happen when the world’s oil supply becomes depleted. Th...
mitchklauser Published on 03/25/2001 2781 Reads Technology
I agree and disagree with this statement. Technology has become very important in our society recently, and more people are gettin...
tallshipchick Published on 01/21/2001 2588 Reads Technology
Bill Gates - you love him, you hate him, maybe you should get to know him. The founder of the Microsoft has a lot of admirers and ...
Admin Published on 12/05/2000 2317 Reads Technology
A lot of people today, mostly microsofties, argue that Microsoft should not be split up since it isn’t really a monopoly; Windows ...
Admin Published on 12/05/2000 2211 Reads Technology
Admin Published on 12/05/2000 2466 Reads Technology
No one denies that the Internet is the most useful tool for research, business, and education, yet the Internet is the subject of ...
djstarchboi Published on 11/30/2000 2886 Reads Technology