Custom Research Paper Writing
Uploaded by Janifar310 on Apr 16, 2013
A Research paper also known as academic journal is a peer-reviewed periodical by which a student is assessed by an academician. Academic journals act as forums for the introduction and display for investigation of new research and the criticism of existing research. Research paper can typically take form of articles such as research work, review articles and book reviews. A research paper or academic journal implies all scholarly publications in various fields.
Scientific journals or journals of the quantitative social sciences differ in form and structure from journals of the humanities and qualitative social sciences. Professional scholars in the field of academics usually make unasked submissions of their academic work to academic journals. After receiving an article manuscript, journal editor assesses the work and decides whether to reject the research study of the researcher or begin with the process of review. If it is the case of peer review by outside academicians, the submission is subject to the editor's evaluation. The number of peer reviewers depends on each journal's editorial practice; usually not less than two and at least three outside peers give the report that describes the editor's decision. Our organization comprises of a hundred men team dedicated to provide relevant knowledge on writing research papers on subjects as varied as science, mathematics, arts and philosophy. Our support staff is available round the clock for any assistance regarding the research paper tasks of clients. Our organization is determined to raise the standards of the weak students and bring them to satisfactory levels. A Research Paper is a form of an essay, which is used in academic writing. In this, the writer interprets, evaluates and includes the arguments on an issue. A survey is conducted in the field of knowledge, so that information is collected for deriving the results.
There is a structure, which is recommended for writing the research paper. It includes title page, contents page, Abstract, Introduction, literature review, Discussion (in can includes sub-headings), conclusion, and reference List. Introduction section is self explanatory. It includes the thesis or hypothetical statement. It also includes research question and the importance of the topic. Literature review summarizes the research analysis and reviews the literature. Methodology gives information about the data, sources of information, limitations of the data, etc. In the analysis and findings, detailed analysis is discussed about the data collected from various primary and secondary sources. Finally,...