Online Alexithymia Questionnaire (OAQ)
Uploaded by Jason Thompson on May 26, 2006
Online Alexithymia Questionnaire target-factors:
F1 - Difficulty Identifying Feelings
- When asked which emotion I’m feeling, I frequently don’t know the answer.
- I have puzzling physical sensations that even freinds/aquaintences/others don’t understand.
- When I am upset, I don’t know if I am sad, frightened, or angry.
- I am often puzzled by strange sensations in my body.
- I can’t identify feelings that I vaguely sense are going on inside of me
- When involved in difficult or turbulent relationships, I sometimes develop confusing physical symptoms.
F-2 - Difficulty Describing Feelings
- It is difficult for me to find the right words for my feelings.
- I am able to describe my emotions easily.
- I find it hard to describe my feelings about other people
- I get in a muddle when I try to describe how I feel about an important event.
F - 2b Vicarious interpretation of feelings
- I often ask other people what they would feel if in my personal situation (any situation), as this better helps me understand what to do.
- I tend to rely on other people for interpreting the emotional details of personal/social events.
- I like it when someone describes the feelings they experience under circumstances similar to my own, because this helps me see what my own feelings might be.
F-3 - Externally-Oriented Thinking
- I prefer to find out the emotional intricacies of my problems rather than just describe them in terms of practical facts.
- You cannot functionally live your life without being aware of your deepest emotions.
- I feel more comfortable talking to freinds about their daily activities rather than their feelings.
- I prefer to watch "light" entertainment shows rather than psychological dramas.
- I find examination of my feelings useful in solving personal problems.
- I don't like movies or plays where more time is spent on the characters' motivation than on the action because it distracts from their enjoyment.
- I make decisions based on principles rather than gut feelings.
F - 4 - Restricted Imaginative Processes (This section targets the missing ‘spontaneous imagination’ as differentiated from ‘controlled imagination’)
- When other people are hurt or upset, I have difficulty imagining what they are feeling.
- People sometimes get upset with me, and I can’t imagine why
- I am not much of a daydreamer
- I don’t dream frequently, and when I do the dreams usually seem...