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Term Papers 121 - 150

Roman Architecture

The Roman society, like any other, had its humble beginnings. The history of their architecture runs virtually in step with the hi...

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docsuf Published on 04/05/2004 3941 Reads Ancient Rome

Roman Architecture

The Roman society, like any other, had its humble beginnings. The history of their architecture runs virtually in step with the hi...

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docsuf Published on 04/05/2004 2832 Reads Ancient Rome

Why was Germany defeated in 1918 rather than 1916

There are several reasons why Germany was defeated in 1918 rather than 1916. By 1916, a stalemate had developed along the weste...

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yogaman Published on 03/21/2004 3236 Reads World War I

Tragic Hero Antigone

Tragic Hero What qualities generate a hero? Must heroes possess superhuman abilities? In the Greek era, he...

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EVJordan Published on 03/20/2004 3646 Reads Ancient Rome

“Poor and backward” or “Wealthy and developing”: Which of these descriptors most accurately portrays

“Poor and backward” or “Wealthy and developing”: Which of these descriptors most accurately portrays Britain in 1750? Britain i...

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alaine4488 Published on 03/09/2004 2226 Reads History

Japanese Imperialism (and other countries) in the 1920s

After World War I, Japan began watching China with interest. Japan’s military leaders hoped to gain some of China’s lands and reso...

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lucifer1343 Published on 03/06/2004 2346 Reads History

Why Germany was defeated in 1918 rather than 1916 (Somme)

There are several reasons why Germany was defeated in 1918 rather than 1916. By 1916, a stalemate had developed along the w...

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yogaman Published on 03/03/2004 2608 Reads World War I

The Importance of Bias in History

Bias plays a weighty role in history and in historiography and without it the study of history would not be where it is today – “O...

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David Thomlinson Published on 03/03/2004 5887 Reads History

Assess the reasons for Bolshevik success in the Russian Civil War, 1918 – 1920

Bolshevik victory in the Russian Civil War of 1918 -1920 would not have been certain without the strong, determined and intelligen...

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David Thomlinson Published on 03/03/2004 4223 Reads History

IB history chapter 10 outline, out of many

Chapter 10 I. The New Democratic Politics in North America A. Continental Struggles Over Popular Rights 1. In 1821, Mexico ac...

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murty Published on 03/02/2004 2326 Reads American History

Personal Response to "Disabled" by Wilfred Owen

The image of a “wheeled chair” implies that he is disabled and probably dependent on others. Legless, sewn short at elbow” further...

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lightseeker Published on 02/19/2004 4684 Reads World War I

Roman Architecture

The Roman society, like any other, had its humble beginnings. The history of their architecture runs virtually in step with the hi...

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SSohel Published on 02/18/2004 2663 Reads Ancient Rome

Roman Archaelogy

The Roman society, like any other, had its humble beginnings. The history of their architecture runs virtually in step with the hi...

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SSohel Published on 02/18/2004 3015 Reads Ancient Rome

Explain why and how, Hitler and the NSDAP began to attract some support from people in Germany betwe

Explain why and how, Hitler and the NSDAP began to attract some support from people in Germany between 1919 and 1923. There wer...

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lathikab Published on 01/16/2004 2203 Reads History


HOW AND WHY DID HITLER BECOME CHANCELLOR OF GERMANY IN 1933? The reason why Hitler became chancellor of Germany in 1933, were b...

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lathikab Published on 01/16/2004 5199 Reads History


Tauseef Ahmed Research Paper "Puritan Lifestyle, Ethics and Contributions in the Development of the United States" Puritans...

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tauseef Published on 01/16/2004 2559 Reads American History

Ten most important people of the 20th century (as rated by the TIME Magazine)

Tauseef Ahmed 09/01/03 "Ten most important people of the 20th century" The world we see today has had a lot of changes and d...

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tauseef Published on 01/16/2004 2746 Reads History

Macedonia forever for macedonians

THE PROPAGANDA *Macedonians should not be recognised as Macedonians as they have been of Greek nationality since 2000BC. *Macedo...

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makedonija Published on 01/13/2004 1948 Reads History

Macedonia through the hystory

THE PROPAGANDA *Macedonians should not be recognised as Macedonians as they have been of Greek nationality since 2000BC...

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makedonija Published on 01/13/2004 2651 Reads European History

Macedonia through the hystory

THE PROPAGANDA *Macedonians should not be recognised as Macedonians as they have been of Greek nationality since 2000BC. *Macedo...

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makedonija Published on 01/13/2004 3013 Reads European History

Medieval Marriages

As human beings, we often spend our entire lives looking for our "soul mate." This being the unfortunate plight of our hu...

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GothicPhilos05 Published on 12/14/2003 2743 Reads History

I, Claudius and Claudius the God - a comparisson essay

The Claudian Era, a record of the most scandalous time in history, took place during the 13-year rein of Tiberius Claudius Drusus ...

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toria90210 Published on 12/13/2003 3007 Reads Ancient Rome

Greek Legacies

Greek Legacies The term legacy is depicted as “something that is handed down or remains from previous ...

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fox_kwiecien Published on 12/12/2003 3600 Reads Ancient Greece

Causes, Morality, and Demise of American Civil Defense

An Examination of the Causes, Morality, and Demise of American Civil Defense While there are conflicting and overlappin...

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tsanzer Published on 12/11/2003 1991 Reads American History

The Puritan’s Lives Affected by Religion

The Puritan’s Lives Affected by Religion The Puritan’s Lives Affected by Religion The religion affected e...

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pdpullmn612 Published on 12/08/2003 2012 Reads American History

James Baldwin

American Negro In James Baldwin’s essay, “The American Dream and the American Negro,” as he reflects on the experience of black Am...

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alif9 Published on 12/06/2003 1866 Reads American History

History of the "F" word

Jonathan Yentzen CMCN 200 Outline for Informative Speech Topic: History of the “F” Word 1. INTRODUCTION / ATTENTION GETTER...

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Janclan66 Published on 11/15/2003 2610 Reads History

The Expatriates of the 1920's

1ex•pa•tri•ate- 1: to withdraw (oneself) from residence in or allegiance to one's native country 2: intransitive senses: to ...

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Alterac Published on 12/03/2002 2591 Reads American History

Problems Mao faced with GLF and GPR

Qtn: What the problems did Mao face in trying to implement his policies in China? [12m] The policies meant in the question are ...

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contaminant Published on 11/28/2002 2063 Reads History


In 1929 when the Great Depression hit, people started becoming jobless and lossed many things including their homes. So, wiht no w...

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only1star Published on 11/28/2002 3816 Reads History