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Great pieces of literature are influenced by their author’s life and the times in which they were written. These two factors comb...
Lutje22 Published on 04/22/2004 1824 Reads Literature
“Facing It,” by Yusef Komunyakaa talks about a war which most, if not all Americans are familiar with. The ever so controversial V...
geddawg Published on 11/12/2002 1541 Reads Vietnam War
The final time I commented on a single time only events I was dismissive and ridiculed taking that approach. The fact is you will ...
rrtyedia Published on 12/21/2012 2460 Reads Poems
“Misuse or theft prohibited by law”. This was the warning printed on a milk-carrying container at the local grocery store where I ...
chasengland Published on 11/25/2000 2929 Reads Gun Control
When the name Julius Caesar is heard, it can only trigger the image of a great leader that led Rome into prosperity. Caesar's mili...
ryanchan Published on 07/29/1999 1700 Reads Ancient Rome
In Cool Hand Luke, the movie begins with the word, VIOLATION, across the screen. The word is from a parking meter and sets the ton...
shipley Published on 09/14/1999 4092 Reads Film
All Quiet on the Western Front, directed by Delbert Mann, is based on the novel written by Erich Maria Remarque. It tells the stor...
Dorothy323 Published on 11/20/2000 2332 Reads All Quiet on the Western Front
Loung Ung was the next to youngest of eight children born into a middle-class family living in Phnom Penh, and the daughter of a f...
LoUiE Published on 08/28/2002 2571 Reads Literature
Dear Mr. President, As a proud American and veteran of our great armed forces, I strongly advocate that you initiate a new poli...
devil dog Published on 06/01/2002 1609 Reads Politics
Harriet Tubman was born around the 1820’s in Dorchester County, Maryland. Her parents worked on a plantation, that often grew just...
getogurl88 Published on 03/05/2007 2800 Reads Slavery
The update Swtor 2.5, called Empyrean Calling ™, finally arrives in the epic fantasy world of this amazing MMORPG. New instances, ...
2guildwars2 Published on 08/13/2012 1700 Reads Poems
1ex•pa•tri•ate- 1: to withdraw (oneself) from residence in or allegiance to one's native country 2: intransitive senses: to ...
Alterac Published on 12/03/2002 2144 Reads American History
Salaries in Baseball are skyrocketing every year. Why would a salary cap be needed? It would be needed to help keep ticket prices ...
tommy53565 Published on 12/06/2001 2498 Reads Social Issues
The Vietnam conflict began in the late 19th Century. France forcefully took ownership of the islands and made the Vietnamese islan...
sselkirk Published on 03/23/2001 1618 Reads Vietnam War
Most people have a confused idea of alcoholism as a disease that invades or attacks your good health. Use of such a strong word su...
DOORS_01 Published on 12/19/2000 1310 Reads Drugs And Alcohol
join_me_ Published on 02/15/2001 2389 Reads Drugs And Alcohol
The Catcher in the Rye and The Red Badge of Courage detail the gradual maturation of two immature boys into self-reliant young men...
saritagarcia113 Published on 02/10/2001 2190 Reads Literature
Many of the titles of Ernest Hemingway's stories are ironic, and can be read on a number of levels; Soldier's Home is no exception...
Admin Published on 12/10/2000 1601 Reads Literature
Invisible Man is a story told through the eyes of the narrator, a Black man struggling in a White culture. The narrative starts du...
Admin Published on 09/15/1999 3400 Reads Invisible Man
The writer Mary Anne Warren is focusing on describing the current practices in many organizations today in regards to the implemen...
Admin Published on 01/22/1999 1273 Reads Literature
In an era when harsh actuality of everyday life propels one to the realm of insanity, to a pharmaceutically induced sleep, or to a...
markcarroll Published on 04/15/2000 1599 Reads Literature
"This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper." (...
ragnorak Published on 11/06/2000 1900 Reads Hemingway
In his novel The Great Gatsby, author F. Scott Fitzgerald had the main character Nick Carroway stand out as being overall, a decen...
jasaval Published on 03/17/2000 3284 Reads The Great Gatsby
Just how broad should suffrage be in a Republic? That question’s resonated throughout the history of the United States. Americ...
Nategrey Published on 08/05/2005 2329 Reads American History
Overall, the rights and status of women have improved considerably in the last century; however, gender equality has recently been...
Admin Published on 01/22/1999 2381 Reads Women's Rights
The roar of extreme sound emanates from a football field. It is clear that this is not an ordinary high school marching band playi...
rungun305 Published on 09/13/1999 1260 Reads Miscellaneous
If you were alive 30 years ago you probably can recall those Friday nights when you were sitting in front of the television set du...
heather Published on 02/29/2000 2078 Reads Film
The Vietnam conflict began in the late nineteenth century. The French conquered Vietnam and made it a protectorate. For nearly for...
Admin Published on 06/11/2000 1608 Reads Vietnam War
Harriet Ross Tubman was an African American who escaped slavery and then showed runaway slaves the way to freedom in the North for...
greendaygirl47 Published on 01/01/2001 1869 Reads Biographies
"Only if we look deeply into ourselves can we discover who we really are”. (Erich Fromm) Birdy” at first may seem to be a boo...
goglarz Published on 10/29/2001 1310 Reads Literature