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Term Papers 1 - 30
In Death penalty has no place in U.S., Cynthia Tucker has concluded that she is against the death penalty. The issues that s...
grymes Published on 08/27/2006 4376 Reads Law
Civilization, the thing that makes humans different from the other animals on this planet, is the ability to pass knowledge down f...
geo. Published on 07/22/2006 3761 Reads Law
When looking at as issue as right or wrong, it is imperative that the issue be categorized into either a matter of legality or mor...
somethingsotrue Published on 02/06/2006 2749 Reads Law
In the “case of the shipwrecked sailors”, three men were marooned after the sinking of an oil tanker. Subject to extreme condition...
somethingsotrue Published on 02/06/2006 5502 Reads Law
Merit Retention Merit Retention is a system of appointing State Supreme Court Justices that was established in Florida in the 1...
Nategrey Published on 08/05/2005 2668 Reads Law
A Comparative Essay After reading Americas Constitutional Soul, by Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr., and The True and Only Heav...
thabiso4 Published on 04/05/2005 2877 Reads Law
‘‘a diabetic at work without a recent insulin injection approaching the lunch break may become tense, erratic, short tempered, but...
jak832000 Published on 07/02/2004 9950 Reads Law
In 1978 a radio station owned by Pacifica Foundation Broadcasting out of New York City was doing a program on contemporary attitud...
crstepts Published on 12/09/2002 3534 Reads Law
When we talk about 'Parliament' and 'parliamentary sovereignty' what exactly do we mean? Firstly we must take the word 'Parliament...
william jones Published on 12/07/2002 3222 Reads Law
Describe the Operation of the System of Judicial Precedent and assess its Present significance in the Law of England. There are...
william jones Published on 12/07/2002 3606 Reads Law
The right to freedom of expression is a fundamental right, which has not traditionally been prescribed by law, but can be consider...
Haf Published on 11/26/2002 2578 Reads Law
The European Community has had a decidedly significant impact upon the legal systems of the Member States. It was established in 1...
Haf Published on 11/26/2002 3190 Reads Law
It has been well-established feature of the English legal system that rules of criminal law are addressed to rational and responsi...
Haf Published on 11/26/2002 3254 Reads Law
"Inter arma silent leges" -Roman maxim War and law have had a constant relationship between each other ever since the existen...
bayushibors Published on 11/15/2002 2579 Reads Law
The legal system aims to achieve just outcomes, however the perception of justice varies between individuals, the legal system and...
Ethan Published on 11/09/2002 2974 Reads Law
The Firearms Act 1996 (Vic.) was passed by the Victorian Parliament on October 31st 1996 in accordance with the National Agreement...
Ethan Published on 11/09/2002 3015 Reads Law
James dale first joined cub scouts in 1978 at age 8, following in his families scouting tradition. He then became a boy scout in J...
Sean.58 Published on 05/19/2002 3074 Reads Law
"The transmission of such a price-list does not amount to an offer to supply an unlimited quantity of the wine described at the pr...
jmurdoch Published on 05/05/2002 5249 Reads Law
Question: How far do you agree with the proposal that trial by jury should be radically reformed? (note this is an English law ess...
jmurdoch Published on 05/05/2002 2950 Reads Law
Criminal Law is enacted in accordance with the principle of combining punishment with leniency. The Law governs Tasks, Basic Princ...
siuking Published on 04/29/2002 3012 Reads Law
Charged with five horrific murders, Andrea Yates faced the death penalty. Believed Satan controlled her, Mrs. Yates was convinced ...
197724 Published on 04/26/2002 3407 Reads Law
“Ideally, a legal system should reflect the needs and aspirations of its society at any given time.” What do you consider to be...
hotlikechocolate Published on 04/02/2002 3425 Reads Law
Some people believe that there are no circumstances under which prior restraint of the press, either print or broadcast, should be...
kyra666 Published on 03/15/2002 3156 Reads Law
Explain the role of recklessness in determining criminal liability. In everyday language, recklessness means taking an unjust ris...
potter Published on 11/14/2001 3408 Reads Law
What is ‘Europeanisation’? With regards to the principle of proportionality is this europeanisation a valid idea? What is ‘Euro...
lockydon Published on 11/11/2001 3010 Reads Law
Living Wills, sometimes called Advanced Directives, are legal documents accepted in all 50 states. They clearly define a person’s ...
mom Published on 07/09/2001 3246 Reads Law
The Constitution of the United States of America is unique in many ways. It is also has various similar qualities from the constit...
PeachiKiwi Published on 04/21/2001 2578 Reads Law
The Constitution of Australia is a written document, which came into effect when the six colonies federated to form the Commonweal...
suemitchelltess Published on 03/16/2001 2362 Reads Law
The road a bill takes to becoming a law is a long and tedious process. First, the proposed bill goes through the House of represen...
Admin Published on 03/02/2001 3368 Reads Law
Ignorance, pride, hatred and a disregard for the wellbeing of others in society. These are the seeds allowing the roots of activit...
l_sekhon Published on 02/07/2001 3077 Reads Law