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The Scarlet Letter

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Term Papers 1 - 30

The Lasting Effect of Sin and Guilt on Hester and Dimmesdale

Without an honorable reputation a person is not worthy of respect from others in their society. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel, Th...

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rdsox24455 Published on 10/31/2006 10211 Reads The Scarlet Letter

Pearls can be Convincing

In the novel, The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne uses Pearl as a symbol of the scarlet letter "A." He also uses Pearl as a device to...

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Monquie Published on 01/27/2004 3154 Reads The Scarlet Letter

Sunlight as a Symbol in The Scarlet Letter

Nathaniel Hawthorne uses a sizeable number of symbols in his book, The Scarlet Letter. These include rose bushes, letters, trees, ...

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aphelio62 Published on 01/18/2004 5322 Reads The Scarlet Letter

Hawethorne's Scarlet Letter: Character Analysis - Chillingworth

Chillingworth: A Symbol of Evil In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s book The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne uses many literary tools to accompl...

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Joe_Man500 Published on 10/18/2002 5429 Reads The Scarlet Letter

Scarlet Letter - Dangers of Hidden Sin

Sin is something society has had to deal with since mankind has known evil. In most circumstances, the sin only becomes a problem ...

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WelshHanny Published on 05/15/2002 4839 Reads The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter - Various Symbols

This got me a 39/40 in AP English. Nathaniel Hawthorne. The name strikes fear in the hearts of high school students everywhere ...

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Voltaire2202 Published on 02/28/2002 9321 Reads The Scarlet Letter

Dimmesdale a weakling

In Hawthorne’s classic, The Scarlet Letter, Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale is a self-confessed coward and hypocrite. He is fully aware...

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Brent Goodin Published on 02/15/2002 3268 Reads The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter: The moral corruption of the main characters

The three main characters of “The Scarlet Letter”, Hester Prynne, Roger Chillingworth, and Arthur Dimmesdale, were all morally cor...

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skalawagdr Published on 10/09/2001 6365 Reads The Scarlet Letter

Dimmesdale's changes

In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, there are many characters that transform; one of them is Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale....

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Ristina Published on 10/07/2001 4030 Reads The Scarlet Letter

Scarlet Letter - Reading Log

Aug. 25 2001 Chapter 1 Pages 49-50 1. Chapter one thoroughly describes the Jailhouse and the surrounding landscape. Tells of the ...

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bigmike Published on 09/07/2001 2466 Reads The Scarlet Letter

Guilt Without Confession Leads to Great Consequences

If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, did it make a sound? This saying brings me to my thesis of "Guilt Wit...

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cosmokramerapt5b Published on 05/06/2001 2941 Reads The Scarlet Letter

Among Sin

Sin is defined in Webster’s New World Dictionary as, “any offense, fault, or the willful breaking of religious or moral law.” Mank...

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PeachiKiwi Published on 04/21/2001 2842 Reads The Scarlet Letter

The Bearer of the Fruits of Sin

The world of Puritan New England, like the world of today, was filled with many evil influences. Many people were able to withstan...

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kryptonjag Published on 04/11/2001 2713 Reads The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter - The Honest T

No one is perfect and no one is exactly the same. Everyone sins, and that includes telling lies. Most everyone lies at some point,...

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XxRockeRChiKxX Published on 04/09/2001 2202 Reads The Scarlet Letter

Three Scaffold scenes - Progression of Dimmesdale

In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne portrays Arthur Dimmesdale as a troubled individual. In him lies the central conflict o...

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feagle814 Published on 03/15/2001 3107 Reads The Scarlet Letter

Hester in a Puritan Society

The Puritans, in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, were a group of people who were shaped by English experience and comple...

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peteography Published on 03/14/2001 3128 Reads The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a novel that shows the Puritanical way of life. Society does not accept the fact that...

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methodmanb Published on 03/12/2001 2861 Reads The Scarlet Letter

Pearl as a Symbol

In Nathaniel Hawthorne's the Scarlet Letter, Pearl, is a symbol of sin and adultery in the sense that she leads Dimmsdale and Hest...

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west10s Published on 03/08/2001 3007 Reads The Scarlet Letter

Lasting Effect of Sin

The past always comes back to haunt us throughout our lives. Puritan society is highly based upon a person’s reputation. Without a...

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xxbolshriharixx Published on 03/08/2001 3042 Reads The Scarlet Letter

Puritan Society in Hester's Life

The Godly beliefs and punishments followed by the Puritans stemmed from their English experience and complete involvement in relig...

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rugburns Published on 03/03/2001 3113 Reads The Scarlet Letter

The Effects of Sin Upon Arthur Dimmesdale

Hawthorn shows sins of several different kinds in numerous people, as well as the consequences and remedies of their sins. Three m...

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stygius Published on 02/27/2001 2998 Reads The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter

God does not like the sin of adultery. He does not like lying. He does not like hypocrisy. There are two roads that one can choose...

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kaenam Published on 02/27/2001 2599 Reads The Scarlet Letter

The Scafolding VS. the Forest

Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, a dark tale of sin and redemption, centers on the small Puritan community of Boston duri...

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queencaitlyn Published on 02/26/2001 2869 Reads The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter - Literature Response Essay

Nathaniel Hawthorne, a critically acclaimed American writer of the 19th century, was born in Salem, Massachusetts in 1804. The nov...

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woodcock_08 Published on 02/25/2001 2536 Reads The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter: Governor Bellingham and Hypocrisy

Governor Bellingham is the leader of the Boston Colony. He is therefore supposed to be one of the most pious and upstanding member...

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barisax_monger Published on 02/14/2001 3052 Reads The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter: Novel vs. Film

Films of this era are criticized for lacking “substance” and making up for this deficit with explosions and special effects. Books...

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saritagarcia113 Published on 02/10/2001 3637 Reads The Scarlet Letter

The Symbol of Pearl

In Nathaniel Hawthorne's, The Scarlet Letter, Pearl, is the human symbol of the sin of adultery in the fact that she leads her mot...

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LatinPrincez17 Published on 02/07/2001 2728 Reads The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter

Nathaniel Hawthorne"s, The Scarlet Letter is a book about a woman, Hester, who moves to Boston from England during the Puritan tim...

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Admin Published on 11/16/2000 2345 Reads The Scarlet Letter

Scarlet Letter: Analysis of Sins

The story begins with an unfortunate marriage between Hester and Roger Prynne, wich leads to adultery and revenge. The Scarlet Let...

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fofi_7 Published on 11/14/2000 3132 Reads The Scarlet Letter

Light and Darkness in The Scarlet Letter

Nathaniel Hawthorne, author of The Scarlet Letter, felt that the Puritans were people who believed that the world was a place wher...

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carimele Published on 11/14/2000 2680 Reads The Scarlet Letter