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Term Papers 121 - 150

9-11 could have been avoided if the Secret Services would have done their Work

Preceding the terrible events on September 11th, 2001, the American Secret Services have made many mistakes in regard to the possi...

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jmbvwtouareg Published on 04/30/2005 2874 Reads Grapes of Wrath

9-11 could have been avoided if the Secret Services would have done their Work

Preceding the terrible events on September 11th, 2001, the American Secret Services have made many mistakes in regard to the possi...

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jmbvwtouareg Published on 04/30/2005 3309 Reads Grapes of Wrath

Doctor Faustus Duality in the Doctor: Values in Faustus

In Christopher Marlowe’s the epic Christian tragedy, Doctor Faustus, the protagonist, Dr. Faustus, struggles between following...

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Qcom12 Published on 04/27/2005 4088 Reads Literature

Alexander Pope's 'The Rape of the Lock'

ALEXANDAR POPE Literature reflects the age in which it is written. This is very much true in the case of the poetry of the Aug...

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mamuna gul Published on 04/23/2005 5752 Reads Literature

monkey, gulliver's travel analysis

Physical travel is a very good way in exploring which will eventually lead you to discovering new things and at the end be able to...

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lyyyzzza Published on 04/19/2005 2795 Reads Book Reviews

monkey, gulliver's travel analysis

Physical travel is a very good way in exploring which will eventually lead you to discovering new things and at the end be able to...

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lyyyzzza Published on 04/19/2005 2620 Reads Book Reviews

monkey, gulliver's travel analysis

Physical travel is a very good way in exploring which will eventually lead you to discovering new things and at the end be able to...

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lyyyzzza Published on 04/19/2005 2830 Reads Book Reviews

Religion In Jane Eyre

*Please Note* The page numbers in this essay reffer to the paper back version of the book published by Scholastic Inc. Religion...

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Majestic_Wolfess Published on 04/17/2005 6070 Reads Jane Eyre

Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies April 16, 2005 What would happen if the world had no laws, no punishment, and no structur...

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Soot11 Published on 04/17/2005 3266 Reads Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies


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Soot11 Published on 04/17/2005 2606 Reads Lord of the Flies

changing perspective- sky high, everyday by bon jovi and 10 mary street by peter skryzneki

Life experiences from childhood mould us into the eventual adults we are to become. “For every force, there is an opposite and r...

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ibboz Published on 04/07/2005 2621 Reads Literature

a man for all seasons monologue

Scene: After the trial, hours before his execution Oh this wretched place, it leaks…I suppose that’s the least of my worries (t...

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jmelee88 Published on 03/25/2005 3489 Reads Literature

'Gulliver's Travels'- A Satiric magnum opus of Swift.


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mamuna gul Published on 03/24/2005 4074 Reads Literature


JANE AUSTEN [Maimoona Ijaz] As a woman of exquisite style and cultivated manners, Jane Austen was t...

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mamuna gul Published on 03/22/2005 2901 Reads Literature

symbolism in lord of the flies


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saucypistolface Published on 03/14/2005 3110 Reads Lord of the Flies

Madame Bovary is a Universal text

GUSTAVE FLAUBERT ONCE REMARKED, “Madame Bovary, c’est moi” (“Madame Bovary is me”). On the surface, this comment seems ridiculous;...

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mshiraev Published on 03/07/2005 2878 Reads Madame Bovary

Lord of the Flies shocks and disturbs the reader into an understanding of human nature.

William Golding’s novel “Lord of the Flies” not only provides a profound insight into human nature but also does so in a way that ...

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mshiraev Published on 03/07/2005 4363 Reads Lord of the Flies

Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell, in relation to Satire and what infulenced the satire

George Orwell, author of the brilliant political allegory Animal Farm was once quoted to say: "Every line of serious work that I h...

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mshiraev Published on 03/06/2005 9788 Reads Nineteen Eighty Four

To Kill A Mocking Bird

“To Kill a Mocking Bird” by Harper Lee is a novel set in the prejudice American town of Maycomb in the 1930’s. I feel she portrays...

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x-aimee-kate-x Published on 01/31/2005 3734 Reads To Kill A Mockingbird

The Jouney of Huckleberry Finn

In many stories, the main character undergoes certain changes through his or her experiences. These changes occur because of a ma...

Greek Pottery

Greek Pottery The pottery of the ancient Greeks are important for the styles of dec...

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greg333 Published on 01/09/2005 3537 Reads Ethan Frome

Young Goodman Brown

Young Goodman Brown Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown is an excellent example of the struggle with Puritanism during hi...

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thehighlife13 Published on 01/05/2005 2204 Reads Literature

Social and Political Change in A Tale of Two Cities

Government has been an essential part to any civilization for as long as human kind has existed. People who disagree with the gove...

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RKsPunkChick823 Published on 12/05/2004 3407 Reads A Tale Of Two Cities

The Monstrous nature of Grendel and Beowulf

In the epic, Beowulf, and in John Gardner’s novel, Grendel, the characters of Grendel and Beowulf demonstrate characteristics of a...

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xxdeftonesxx52 Published on 12/03/2004 5660 Reads Literature

The Effects of Characterization in The Canterbury Tales

In Geoffrey Chaucer’s work, The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer implements various techniques of characterization in “The Prologue” to e...

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xxdeftonesxx52 Published on 12/03/2004 3756 Reads Cantebury Tales


In literature as well as in life, people mainly hold two beliefs on death. On idea is that death is nothing to fear, as it sets y...

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masone4718 Published on 11/28/2004 2468 Reads Literature

Twelve Angry Men and To Kill A Mockingbird

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” This simply means that if you want to ...

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masone4718 Published on 11/28/2004 8875 Reads Literature

Mansfield Park

19th century England was a time full of incest, out of control breeding, and differences between social classes. Jane Austen’s Ma...

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masone4718 Published on 11/28/2004 2955 Reads Literature

All Quiet on the Western Front: An Anti-War Film

All Quiet on the Western Front is a film about a group of friends who enlist in the army. Through their service, the...

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masone4718 Published on 11/28/2004 3064 Reads All Quiet on the Western Front

Animal Farm: Novel vs. Film

Like all books made into movies, there are many differences. The book Animal Farm, by George Orwell, is no different. One of the...

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masone4718 Published on 11/28/2004 17959 Reads Animal Farm