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Animal Rights

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Term Papers 1 - 17

Zoos are nothing more than prisons where every sentence is a life sentence.

As a child we all must have dreamt about visiting a zoo. During our visit we all might have teased the animals in the cage, or gav...

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sajal Published on 10/12/2006 4196 Reads Animal Rights

Animal Testing in the Cosmetic Industry

Dr. Frank Meehan picked up Charlie, the frail brown monkey and placed him into what would soon be his coffin. Charlie was screamin...

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JamiD Published on 11/27/2005 4108 Reads Animal Rights

Go Vegetarian; You Have No More Excuses

Everyday, more and more people are making the choice to lead a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. Vegans abstain from partaking in all...

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kyra666 Published on 03/06/2002 2697 Reads Animal Rights

Clothing - Diva Princess or Animal Killer?

You're walking down the street in D.C. or some other major city and chances are you're going to see some little girl with leopard ...

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AltGirlDelete Published on 06/28/2001 2295 Reads Animal Rights

Animal Testing (Speech Outline)

Specific Purpose – To persuade my audience that animal testing is wrong and how other safer alternatives should be taken. Centr...

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petedogg16 Published on 04/16/2001 15162 Reads Animal Rights

Protection of Endangered Species

Out of all the species that have ever existed since the beginning of time, 98% of them are extinct (Facts). There are an estimated...

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PJam2184 Published on 04/08/2001 5781 Reads Animal Rights

Cruelty to Animals

A Major Issue of today are the cruel acts against test animals in class rooms and labs, these animals are literally being tortured...

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Admin Published on 03/08/2001 3625 Reads Animal Rights

Should Foxhunting be Banned in Britain?

I would like to start this essay by stating that I am against the motion, and that I see no reason what so ever why fox hunting sh...

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hazel_b1 Published on 02/21/2001 2982 Reads Animal Rights

Animal Testing

ISSUE: For the most part, we would not be able to live very comfortably without them. The question of what is considered proper tr...

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flat_lamb Published on 11/14/2000 2989 Reads Animal Rights

The Rights of Animals

Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites Animal rights is a catchphrase akin to human right...

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palma Published on 10/05/2000 3611 Reads Animal Rights

Animal Rights

One of the most touchy aspects of our relationship with animals is the use of animals in laboratory sciences. Some manufactures of...

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jrreid Published on 08/19/2000 3290 Reads Animal Rights

Do We Really Love Our Animals?

Do you consider yourself a pet lover? Do you love animals in general? Can you imagine yourself as a little boy in a trailer far aw...

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somuch2learn Published on 05/01/2000 2474 Reads Animal Rights

Medical Testing On Animals

Animals have been used in medical research for centuries. Most of the animals used for research are rodents - rats, mice, hamsters...

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Admin Published on 01/19/2000 2762 Reads Animal Rights

Cause for Vegetarianism

The choice of eating meat or not has been a debated issue for a continued number of years. There have long since been two sides: t...

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Admin Published on 09/29/1999 2480 Reads Animal Rights

Animal Rights

As Doctor Zola-Morgan stated in a speech to animal right activists, "I've seen the impact of the animal rights movement. I believe...

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Admin Published on 01/22/1999 2880 Reads Animal Rights

Animal Rights

Animals have been used in medical research for centuries. In a recent count, it was determined that 8,815 animals were being used ...

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Admin Published on 01/22/1999 2465 Reads Animal Rights

Animal Rights

For the past 20 years, there has a been an on going heated debate on whether experiments on animals for the benefit of medical and...

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Admin Published on 01/22/1999 2488 Reads Animal Rights