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Term Papers 271 - 300
Foreign policy relates to international matters such as participation in NATO, international trade agreements, and maintaining pea...
Duchess1013 Published on 12/08/2001 1845 Reads American History
The Civil War in the eyes of most people is not glorious, but rather one of the worst crimes you could possibly commit when the st...
dizdique Published on 12/07/2001 2389 Reads Ancient Rome
As you listen to the news, radio, or read a newspaper, you notice one thing in common after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Ce...
Admin Published on 12/05/2001 1829 Reads American History
What was Prohibition Introduced? In the 1920’s American politics was dominated by democracy and the idea of isolationism to keep ...
charliethomas Published on 11/21/2001 2160 Reads American History
At 8:45am a hijacked plane crashed into the World Trade Centre, 9:03am a second hijacked plane crashed into the World Trade Centre...
mywayout Published on 11/19/2001 2260 Reads American History
Between the years of 1890 and 1908 there was a period of relative stability in the Balkan area. Whilst, in this essay, it is my pr...
Andy_Jones Published on 11/17/2001 1787 Reads European History
“All of Egypt is the gift of the Nile.” It was the Greek historian Herodotus who made that observation. The remarkable benefits of...
Abe Abouzeid Published on 11/16/2001 1801 Reads History
Established in 1968, the medical school at the University of California implemented a special admissions program to increase the r...
Radiohack Published on 11/16/2001 2478 Reads American History
"I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed...
sonoma14022 Published on 11/13/2001 3787 Reads American History
British imperialism on India had many positive and negative affects on both the mother country, Britain and the colony, India. Man...
Curtiss3368 Published on 11/13/2001 2597 Reads European History
The emperor, Claudius, was a man with great integrity, individuality, common sense, patriotism and determination. From his struggl...
mary_jane Published on 11/11/2001 2407 Reads Ancient Rome
On 30th January 1933, Hindenburg received Hitler in audience and appointed him chancellor. It came as a shock to some people but m...
vickrum007 Published on 11/09/2001 6320 Reads Nazi Germany
Why was Cortes with 508 soldiers able to conquer the Aztec Empire with millions of people? Cortes was able to conquer the Aztec...
mattblome Published on 11/09/2001 4219 Reads History
Flying Tigers is the name of a mercenary group of American pilots that helped defend China and the Burma Road from the bombing of ...
ef904178 Published on 11/09/2001 2855 Reads World War II
Civics is the study of citizenship and government. The word comes from the Latin word CIVIS, meaning "citizen." In ancient Rome, w...
Skippy Published on 11/08/2001 2113 Reads American History
The Age of Enlightenment saw many great changes in Western Europe. It was an age of reason and philosophes. During this age, chang...
Marcel Published on 11/08/2001 1913 Reads European History
This paper discusses Jewish involvement in shaping United States immigration policy. In addition to a periodic interest in fosteri...
jai Published on 11/08/2001 1795 Reads American History
Introduction When I was in Ireland in 1997, I learned one important thing within few days: Do not ask, talk or enter into discuss...
strider Published on 11/04/2001 1787 Reads European History
After the First World War America was a completely different country. The twenties was a very unusual time period in American Hist...
alexaylen Published on 10/29/2001 3596 Reads American History
During World War 2, many children were moved from areas that were at risk from bombing. The children had to leave their families a...
alexaylen Published on 10/29/2001 3038 Reads World War II
“Grave Offenses” vs. “Tendentious Misconstruals” The David Abraham Case The historical field concerning the Weimar Republic, G...
beerma Published on 10/27/2001 3811 Reads History
The setting: Medieval Europe. The problem: the pope is living in Avignon, under strict control from the French King. The plague is...
punkerday Published on 10/27/2001 1849 Reads European History
In the year 1122, soon to be Duke William X of Aquitaine was informed that his bride of one year, Aenor, daughter of the Viscount ...
Lorri-Ann Published on 10/25/2001 2394 Reads European History
Question: Discuss Hitler’s eventual gaining of Lebensraum. Was it mealy oppurtunistic or astutely planned? The argument that H...
mzahn Published on 10/24/2001 3380 Reads Nazi Germany
The Great Depression was the worst economic slump ever in U.S. history, and one, which spread to virtually the entire industrializ...
imall4it Published on 10/22/2001 2375 Reads American History
The “Land Between the Rivers” has been a source of both savage barbarism and great civilizations. Mesopotamian culture reached its...
Marcel Published on 10/20/2001 2830 Reads History
In 1960, Great Britain still had no urban freeways. But with the ownership of private cars becoming ever more common, the problem ...
sentiencenerd Published on 10/19/2001 2032 Reads American History
The New Deal period has generally - but not unanimously - been seen as a turning point in American politics, with the states relin...
sentiencenerd Published on 10/19/2001 2393 Reads American History
Greek legacies are their governmental systems, culture and arts, and science and technology. Classical Greece was a time where the...
LANCEGIRL85 Published on 10/18/2001 3220 Reads Ancient Greece
The Treaty of Versailles faltered to heal the bitter mess that formed between countries in World War I. It left Germany in a terri...
SMRT2 Published on 10/16/2001 2872 Reads World War II