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Nazi Germany

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assess albert speers role in the nazi war machine

Assess Albert Speer’s role in the Nazi War Machine Albert Speer was appointed as minister for Armaments and munitions in Februa...

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RAJS BITCH Published on 08/06/2007 3559 Reads Nazi Germany

Assess Albert Speer’s role in the Nazi War Machine

Assess Albert Speer’s role in the Nazi War Machine Albert Speer was appointed as minister for Armaments and munitions in Fe...

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RAJS BITCH Published on 08/06/2007 4248 Reads Nazi Germany

Assess Albert Speer’s role in the Nazi War Machine

Assess Albert Speer’s role in the Nazi War Machine Albert Speer was appointed as minister for Armaments and munitions in Februa...

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RAJS BITCH Published on 08/06/2007 4207 Reads Nazi Germany

How Did Hitler Come to Power in 1933?

Adolf Hitler was a very lucky man throughout his lifeÉ It was November 1918 and Germany signed the armistice ending the Fir...

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Svejk Published on 04/20/2006 3240 Reads Nazi Germany

How the Nazis are Portrayed in Films

The Nazi Party has been filmed and chronicled since its creation and since the defeat of fascism in the Second World War; the Nazi...

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Svejk Published on 04/11/2006 2884 Reads Nazi Germany

Thoughts on Elie Wiesel's "Night"

“To hate would be to reduce myself” is what Elie Wiesel told Opera in an interview. After all Wiesel had been through during the h...

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Bag puss Published on 01/17/2006 3735 Reads Nazi Germany

Oskar Schindler's metamorposis

“In the film ‘Schindler’s List’, Oskar Schindler undergoes a dramatic metamorphosis”. Discuss. The film ‘Schindler’s List’...

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Jay-V Published on 10/25/2005 3426 Reads Nazi Germany

The growth of Himmler's power in the years 1933-39

Note: This Essay also uses additional sources which are not necessarily required to understand this essay. ----------------...

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#26985 Published on 04/01/2005 2992 Reads Nazi Germany

Evaluate the Impact Albert Speer had on Germany during the period 1918 – 1945

Albert Speer, Reich Minister of Munitions and Armaments throughout Germany’s course in World War II, had a profound impact on Germ...

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enterspacecapsu Published on 04/20/2004 3648 Reads Nazi Germany

Evaluate the Impact Albert Speer had on Germany during the period 1918 – 1945

Albert Speer, Reich Minister of Munitions and Armaments throughout Germany’s course in World War II, had a profound impact on Germ...

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enterspacecapsu Published on 04/12/2004 4454 Reads Nazi Germany

Why did the Weimar republic fail?

After World War One ended and Germany was defeated, they returned to their country with heavy losses, a 6.6 billion pound reparati...

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rmulder Published on 11/04/2002 3086 Reads Nazi Germany

To what extent was Hitler's foreign policy consistent and planned?

A subject of continuous interest in historical debate is whether Hitler’s foreign policy aims, as outlined in Mein Kampf, was inde...

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abi Published on 10/30/2002 2928 Reads Nazi Germany

To what extent did propaganda influence Nazi consolidation of power 1933-1939?

The Nazi regime in Germany implemented itself swiftly and effectively – the National Socialists had only three Nazis in a cabinet ...

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bagpuss Published on 05/26/2002 3223 Reads Nazi Germany

Racism in Nazi Germany

Explain how Hitler made use of racism to carry out domestic and foreifn policy between 1928 and 1941 Throughout Nazi Germany in...

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katno1 Published on 04/21/2002 2903 Reads Nazi Germany

Who Voted For the Nazis?

1. Review the evidence concerning who voted for the Nazis in the elections in Germany of 1928 to 1933. Consider the different grou...

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GlobalBarbie Published on 04/06/2002 2520 Reads Nazi Germany

To what extent was Hitler's success in coming to power due to the depression?

Hitler became chancellor in January 1933. By March he had full dictatorial power. There is no doubt that the impact of the depress...

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simon_simo13 Published on 04/06/2002 2963 Reads Nazi Germany

History of Nazi Germany

National Socialism between 1920 and 1945 can best be described as an era of constant change. Hitler's enrollment in the German Wor...

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Jeff Fulson Published on 04/02/2002 2968 Reads Nazi Germany

The Changing Political fortunes of the Nazi Party

“Account for the changing political fortunes of the Nazi Party from November, 1923 until January, 1933.” The main political cha...

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moasty85 Published on 03/15/2002 2626 Reads Nazi Germany

Why was Hitler able to rise to power in Germany in 1933?

On 30th January 1933, Hindenburg received Hitler in audience and appointed him chancellor. It came as a shock to some people but m...

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vickrum007 Published on 11/09/2001 6273 Reads Nazi Germany

Hitler's Foreign Policy

Question: Discuss Hitler’s eventual gaining of Lebensraum. Was it mealy oppurtunistic or astutely planned? The argument that H...

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mzahn Published on 10/24/2001 3320 Reads Nazi Germany

Hitler's rise to power and Weimar weakness

Assess the extent to which Hitler’s rise to power was a result of Weimar weakness. "One seldom recognises the devil when he is ...

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abrown Published on 10/13/2001 2886 Reads Nazi Germany

SA Purge - June 1934

The Nazi consolidation of power was a gradual process that took place in many steps and was due to many factors, although a great ...

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azurefyre Published on 06/25/2001 2860 Reads Nazi Germany

Hitler's Victory at the 1936 Summer Olympics

Adolf Hitler, the leader of Greater Germany, August 1, 1936, opened the 1936 World 11th Summer Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany. ...

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NIMSCOTLAND Published on 05/27/2001 2781 Reads Nazi Germany

The Rise of Nazism in Germany

Germany’s defeat in World War One created political, economic and social instability in the Weimar Republic and led to the rise of...

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Pinar Published on 04/13/2001 2797 Reads Nazi Germany

Nazi consolidation of power in Germany

Like most nations of Europe in the mid 1930’s, Germany was suffering from the consequences of the Great Depression. During this pe...

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kate1872 Published on 04/11/2001 2832 Reads Nazi Germany

Nazism: How Was it Possible?

Reasons for the increasing support given to NSDAP by the German people in the period 1923 - 1936. The NSDAP (Nationalsozialisti...

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kankean_au Published on 03/21/2001 2635 Reads Nazi Germany

A Fooled Nation: Hitler’s Rise to Power

With a lock of hair falling over his forehead and a square little mustache on his often, somber face, Adolf Hitler seemed a comica...

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Jeniffer Published on 12/12/2000 2403 Reads Nazi Germany

The Rise of the Nazi Party

There is no single answer as to why the Nazis were able to gain so much support during the 1920's; there are several, and people s...

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el_jamso Published on 07/12/2000 2738 Reads Nazi Germany

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

The Nazi party affected many people around the world through both the Holocaust and World War II. Hitler had a plan to exterminate...

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Admin Published on 02/08/2000 2686 Reads Nazi Germany

The Role of Propaganda in the Nazi Takeover

When one thinks of the term "propaganda", what comes to mind? Would it bring a positive response? Would it bring a negative respon...

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Admin Published on 01/22/1999 2329 Reads Nazi Germany