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Term Papers 61 - 78
HAARP is an extremely low frequency radio wave generator. It stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. It is a ma...
Admin Published on 01/22/1999 2072 Reads Technology
The Internet offers a much greater potential for interactive communication between information senders and receivers than the more...
Admin Published on 01/22/1999 1653 Reads Technology
The construction of Object-Oriented Database Management Systems started in the middle 80's, at a prototype building level, and at ...
Admin Published on 01/22/1999 2427 Reads Technology
The Internet is a method of communication and a source of information that is becoming more popular among those who are interested...
Admin Published on 01/22/1999 1810 Reads Technology
Thesis: Government Censorship would damage the atmosphere of the freedom to express ideas on the Internet; therefore, government s...
Admin Published on 01/22/1999 1929 Reads Technology
As a technology, it is called multimedia. As a revolution, it is the sum of many revolutions wrapped into one: A revolution in com...
Admin Published on 01/22/1999 1606 Reads Technology
Many competitive markets have been appeared in Middle East lately, and specially in Kuwait. The One which I will discuss is the In...
Admin Published on 01/22/1999 1826 Reads Technology
Thesis: The vast cyber-frontier is being threatend with censorship from the government. Internet censorship should be left up to t...
Admin Published on 01/22/1999 1871 Reads Technology
In the last two years of 1995 and 1996, the video game world was taken into another gaming dimension. The releases of the Sony Pla...
Admin Published on 01/22/1999 2120 Reads Technology
Canada has been transformed in recent years into an information based society. Nearly half of the labour force in Canada works in ...
Admin Published on 01/22/1999 1546 Reads Technology
The 90's has been a decade full of controversial and world changing events. The first one I could think of would have to be the Pe...
Admin Published on 01/22/1999 1814 Reads Technology
The microeconomic picture of the U.S. has changed immensely since 1973, and the trends are proving to be consistently downward for...
Admin Published on 01/22/1999 1692 Reads Technology
Space is filled with radiant energy and beyond earth's atmosphere this energy flow more steadily and more intensely from the sun t...
Admin Published on 01/22/1999 1722 Reads Technology
Solar cells today are mostly made of silicon, one of the most common elements on Earth. The crystalline silicon solar cell was one...
Admin Published on 01/22/1999 2186 Reads Technology
In 1996 worldwide illegal copying of domestic and international software cost $15.2 billion to the software industry, with a loss ...
Admin Published on 01/22/1999 1845 Reads Technology
Current copright and patent laws are inapropriate for computer software; their imposition slows down software development and redu...
Admin Published on 01/22/1999 1764 Reads Technology
Imagine being able to point into the sky and fly. Or perhaps walk through space and connect molecules together. These are some of ...
Admin Published on 01/22/1999 1751 Reads Technology
Exploration; to travel in a little-known region for discovery, as defined by Webster. Since the age of the Greeks, Anglo-Saxons ha...
Admin Published on 01/22/1999 1913 Reads Technology