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Term Papers 1 - 30
In ten pages this paper discusses what must be considered when marketing home video games to the Singapore market in a considerati... ...
In twelve pages this paper discusses the problems presented by the ideas, language, and graphics of video games in this overview o... ...
In nine pages this paper presents a review of video game violence and how actual violence may be influenced as a result. Ten sour... ...
A study proposal consisting of six pages seeks to prove the relationship between video games and aggression in teens with a contro... ...
In sixteen pages this paper discusses how gender identity and roles are influenced by various video games. Twenty sources are cit... ...
The regulation of sex and violence in video games is argued in a paper consisting of three pages. Three sources are cited in the ... ...
In five pages this paper argues that violence in video games serves no purpose and should be halted. Five sources are cited in th... ...
A 5 page paper discussing some of the "knowledge tools" that may be needed by an Indian company seeking to market video games in C... ...
This 4 page paper discusses the effects of video game play on young people. Bibliography lists 5 sources. ... ...
6 pages in length. The process of learning is comprised of myriad components over and above the conventional book approach that -... ...
4 pages in length. Despite the general consensus that video games encourage antisocial behavior, obesity, sedentariness and - som... ...
In three pages this paper discusses the continued controversy surrounding the violent content of video games and considers whether... ...
In nine pages this argumentative paper examines how video games have affected American culture with particular attention paid to i... ...
A 3 page paper which argues that violence in video games is not a problem. Bibliography lists 7 sources.... ...
A 3 page contention that digital information and educational video games should be considered an indispensible component of the mo... ...
This research paper describes studies that investigated video game content in regards to gender stereotypes and their effect on be... ...
This paper argues that both adults and children can be negatively impacted by violent video games. The medial plays a dual role i... ...
This paper reviews author Scott Shackford's defense of violent video games as published in the article Imaginary Guns Don't Kill P... ...
This 4 page paper gives an answer to the question of who is responsible for violent video games. This paper includes the Supreme C... ...
There has been a controversy and debate about the effects of video games on children for a long time. This paper provides an overv... ...
In eleven pages this paper considers longwave schumpeter ideology, monetarism, Keynesianism, and neoclassicism in this considerati... ...
In five pages economic forecasting is considered in terms of econometric models' impact. Five sources are cited in the bibliograp... ...
In nine pages Stewart's report on the 1980s' financial scandals is critiqued. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.... ...
In nine pages this report examines the reasons behind the creation of the US Federal Reserve system in a consideration of its role... ...
In seventeen pages this research paper examines the institutionalist consistencies in Keynesian economics in a comparison with vie... ...
In seven pages economic principles such as maximization of profits, diminishing returns, and supply and demand are examined with p... ...
In six pages small community banks, the changes they have undergone and the challenges they face in the light of several banking m... ...
In nine pages this research paper considers the classical and Keynesian schools of thought in terms of their economic influence an... ...
In nine pages financial consolidation is examined in an overview of this banking industry merger. Twelve sources are cited in the... ...
In twenty pages this paper discusses changes in the banking industry and the importance of organizational dynamics that are capabl... ...