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YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Lord of the Flies
Term Papers 1 - 30
In ten pages this paper presents an analysis of Lord of the Flies by William Golding in a consideration of humankind's evil as a p... ...
In five pages this paper analyzes how power determines character in this overview of Lord of the Rings by William Golding that com... ...
In five pages this report examines fear and violence in a thematic analysis of Lord of the Flies by William Golding. There are no... ...
In five pages this paper examines how this novel's 4 characters represent a quartet of faculty fragmentations such as thought, sen... ...
In five pages this paper discusses whether it is justice or injustice that is ensured in the law described in Lord of the Flies by... ...
The good leadership characteristics of Ralph are discussed in this analysis of Lord of the Flies by William Golding consisting of ... ...
In five pages this paper analyzes the author's uses of moral order and religious imagery. Four sources are cited in the bibliogra... ...
In thirty pages this paper examines how social defects reflect those in human nature as depicted in Lord of the Flies by Golding. ... ...
In 6 pages the parallels that exist in these works in terms of literary similarities of allegory, metaphor, simile, irony, personi... ...
The importance of the time frame of Lord of the Flies, the 1954 novel by William Golding is analyzed in a report consisting of fiv... ...
This paper examines the formation of the severely dysfunctional society in William Golding's classic novel. This five page paper ... ...
In an essay of 12 pages, the events and elements that lead to the decline of order are examined. There is 1 additional bibliograp... ...
In five pages these two characters featured in Lord of the Flies are contrasted and compared. Five other sources are cited in the... ...
In five pages this paper examines how society's faults are represented in the novel Lord of the Flies. There are no other sources... ...
In six pages universal confusion and evil are considered in a thematic analysis of these novels by Golding and Salinger. Three so... ...
In five pages this research paper argues that the term classic applies to William Golding's novel in a consideration of its comple... ...
A tutorial consisting of five pages analyzes the symbolic significnce of the fire, the conch shell, and Piggy's glasses in Lord of... ...
In five pages this paper considers the way in which allegory is used in this novel. There are nine bibliographic sources cited.... ...
This research paper analyzes Lord of the Flies by William Golding as an allegory of social dissolution because of human nature's t... ...
In five pages the characters from these respective works are compared in terms of the struggles relating to growing up, family tie... ...
Lord of the Flies is analyzed in four pages. There are no other sources listed.... ...
In three pages this essay contrasts and compares the character of Simon in William Golding's Lord of the Flies with Jesus Christ. ... ...
In three pages this paper discusses how inner human qualities are represented in the characterizations featured in Lord of the Rin... ...
In eight pages these young men are assessed in terms of their strengths and weaknesses and their success or failure at confronting... ...
In four pages the reasons behind the banning of this text are included in a discussion of why it should be taught in school classr... ...
In an essay of 6 pages, the author's symbolic messages are discussed. There are 3 source citations in the accompanying bibliograp... ...
In three pages this paper examines how Simon's character developed throughout the course of the novel and that his death was inevi... ...
In four pages these two works are compared in terms of how paradise failed in each. There are no other sources listed.... ...
A 3 page essay that analyzes the principal theme from William Golding's Lord of the Flies, which is the tension between savagery a... ...
A 4 page research paper/essay that discusses a character--Jack--from William Golding's Lord of the Flies. Examination of this nove... ...