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Term Papers 31 - 60
In five pages this paper examines the alienation concept of Karl Marx as it relates to social value, time, and labor with critical... ...
In six pages this research paper contrasts and compares the capitalist perspectives of Friedman and Marx as they reveal themselves... ...
In three pages this essay discusses the relevance of Karl Marx's predictions involving production, worker productivity, and capita... ...
In twelve pages this paper examines concepts of capitalism, alienation, class struggle, and revolution in an overview of Karl Marx... ...
In five pages this paper examines bureaucracy, alienation, and class conflict within the perspective of Karl Marx's historical mat... ...
In six pages this paper compares the social reform theories of Karl Marx with those of Nancy Chodorow, Simone de Beauvoir, and Mar... ...
In seven pages this paper considers equality and compares texts by Michael Warner and Patricia Williams to the essay by Karl Marx ... ...
In nine pages this essay considers capitalism from Weber's and Marx's perspectives and glimpses contemporary American society thro... ...
In six pages this paper examines how Rousseau's state of nature is rejected by Hegel and Marx. There are 4 sources cited in the b... ...
In five pages the concept of government is discussed in a contrast and comparison of the philosophical views offered by Marx and R... ...
In eight pages this essay compares the theories of Durkheim and Marx in a conceptual consideration that includes modern issues suc... ...
In fourteen pages this paper evaluates the applicability of the sociological perspectives of theorists Marx, Weber, and Durkheim t... ...
In five pages this paper presents a fictitious dialogue between Frederick Douglass and Karl Marx utilizing Marx's Communist Manife... ...
In fourteen pages the differences and similarities between the social philosophies of Durkheim and Marx are contrasted and compare... ...
In nine pages the perspectives of self realization as reflected in German philosopher Karl Marx's The Communist Manifesto and Brit... ...
In ten pages this paper presents a comparative analysis of this trio of sociologists and their methodologies in terms of how each ... ...
In five pages this paper examines how the role of private property was perceived by Karl Marx and John Locke. There are 3 sources... ...
In nine pages this research paper examines theories of Karl Marx and his anti religious stance in a consideration of Manifesto of ... ...
In five pages this paper compares and contrasts the historical theories of Comte and Marx in terms of their similarities and diffe... ...
In five pages this paper examines 'The Communist Manifesto' in an overview that includes bourgeoisie and proletariat differences a... ...
In five pages this paper examines how the Dialectic and General Philosophy of Georg Hegel was critiqued by Karl Marx. Four source... ...
In five pages this paper examines how the impact of industrialization and the resulting capitalism affected society in a comaparat... ...
In five pages this paper examines how Karl Marx's theory of social class can manifest itself in a museum tour. Five sources are c... ...
In ten pages this research paper examines the military issue of sexual harassment in this imaginative roundtable discussion betwee... ...
In a report consisting of five pages Marx's 'The German Ideology' is examined in great detail while only a passage from 'Genealogy... ...
The writings of 'The Republic,' 'The Communist Manifesto,' 'Tao te Ching,' 'The Prince,' and 'Narrative of the Life of Frederick D... ...
In two pages this paper considers the modern day global economy governmental system in an application of Karl Marx's ideal governm... ...
In 7 pages the evolution of modernism is chronicled in an analysis of 'On the Genealogy of Morals' by Nietzsche; 'Civilization and... ...
In six pages this paper examines the theories of Karl Marx and how they represent the struggles of women and socialism. Eight sou... ...
In five pages the moral position of Karl Marx is evaluated in a consideration of his writings. Five sources are cited in the bibl... ...