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Comparative Analysis of 'Julius Caesar' by William Shakespeare and 'The Odyssey' by Homer

In five pages this research paper contrasts and compares Shakespeare's tragedy with the epic by Homer. Five sources are cited in ... ...

Characterization in Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

In five pages this play is analyzed in terms of characterization and what it symbolizes. Five other sources are listed in the bib... ...

Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare and the Tragic Hero Marcus Brutus

In five pages this research paper examines how Shakespeare's depiction of Brutus in this historical play satisfies the criteria of... ...

Murdering a Friend in William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Julius Caesar

This paper examines why Marcus Brutus would murder his friend Julius Caesar in a five page analysis of William Shakespeare's histo... ...

Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare and Sexuality

In six pages this research paper examines how in Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare features both implied and overt sexuality. Si... ...

Theme of Violence in Romeo and Juliet and Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

In five pages this essay compares the social violence that is evident in these plays by William Shakespeare. Two sources are cite... ...

Lower Social Classes in William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and A Midsummer Night's Dream

In eight pages this paper analyzes the plebeians featured in Julius Caesar and the rude mechanicals in A Midsummer Night's Dream i... ...

Julius Caesar's Successor Caesar Augustus

5 pages and 4 sources used. This paper provides an overview of the life experiences and personal accomplishments of Julius Caesar... ...

3 Perspectives on Julius Caesar by Plutarch, William Shakespeare, and Joseph L. Mankiewicz

In six pages this paper discusses how Plutarch and Shakespeare presented Julius Caesar in comparison to Joseph L. Mankiewicz's 195... ...

Julius Caesar's Military Campaigns

In eight pages this research paper examines Julius Caesar's military campaigns and considers this leader's rise and fall. Five so... ...

Lesson Plans For Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

This paper addresses a set of lesson plans for teaching eleventh-grade, honor level students Shakespeare's play, Julius Caesar. ... ...

What was Julius Caesar's Biggest Mistake That Led to His Downfall?

In five pages Caesar's Roman conquest and leadership is examined in a conclusion that his insatiable ambition hastened the collaps... ...

William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Political Rhetoric

In 5 pages this paper discusses the skilled oratory and political rhetoric employed by Mark Antony in the play Julius Caesar by Wi... ...

Emperor Julius Caesar's Life and Times

In five pages this paper examines the times in the life of Julius Caesar with topics including the perspectives of others, his aff... ...

Analysis of Julius Caesar and Writing Strategies

Julius Caesar is analyzed in five pages by considering 6 writing strategies.... ...

Power and Wealth of J.P. Morgan and Julius Caesar

In three pages this paper compares these two men of considerable power and wealth in terms of their similarities and differences. ... ...

Everything Julius Caesar

In nine pages which also includes an outline of one page this essay describes the Forums of ancient Rome and then offers a critica... ...

Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare and the Conflict Between Freedom and Order

In seven pages this paper discusses what needs to be considered when examining the conflict of freedom vs. order in this historica... ...

The Civil Wars by Julius Caesar

5 pages and 1 source used. This paper provides an overview of The Civil Wars by Julius Caesar. This relates the central themes a... ...

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare Analyzed

The play's historical accuracy is analyzed in a paper that consists of seven pages. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.... ...

Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

In six pages this paper discusses how Caesar's own ego and refusal to listen to cautionary voices that resulted in his murder. Th... ...

William Shakespeare Characters Antony in Julius Caesar and Iago in Othello Compared

In seven pages the similarities of these characters are contrasted and compared with a plot description also provided. There are ... ...

William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Politics

In 5 pages this paper discusses how social order is maintained with a consideration of anarchy, republic, and dictatorship percept... ...

Theme of Revenge in Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, 'The Inferno' by Dante, Oedipus the King and Antigone by Sophocles, 'The Odyssey' by Homer

In ten pages this paper analyzes these Western literary classics as each portrays the theme of revenge. There are no other source... ...

Speeches of Antony and Brutus in Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare Compared

In five pages the rhetorical styles of Antony and Brutus as reflected in Julius Caesar are compared in terms of differences and th... ...

Historical Presentation of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

In seven pages this paper discusses the historical presentation of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. Five sources are cited i... ...

Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare and the Character of Brutus

The argument that Brutus emerges as a tragic hero in this play is presented in six pages. Five sources are cited in the bibliogra... ...

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare and the Characters of Portia and Calpurnia

A character analysis of the two lone female characters in this historical tragedy form the basis of a two and a half page paper in... ...

Friendships and the Impact of Virtue or Lack of Virtue in William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Macbeth, and Julius Caesar

In eleven pages this paper examines how friendships can be strengthened or ruined by virtue in an analysis of these plays by Willi... ...

'Machiavellian' Julius Caesar as Depicted by William Shakespeare

In three pages this paper examines how Caesar represents the quintessential Machiavellian type leader as portrayed by William Shak... ...