sui cide
Uploaded by Kheyal on Jul 14, 2006
☻look up, look up pleease! Just this once, I swear she’s exactly above your head . . .
☺huh? where? (looking up)
liar . . . can’t believe I fell for it again!!!
☻shut up blind girl, you lack my innate vision . . .ahem
☺but of course . . . I beg to differ
☻trust me sweetheart, I can still see her, that little fairy’s real angry with you, just be
grateful that she didn’t jinx you yet for denying her presence . . .
☺(laughing) you’re preposterous! now go get lost before your imagination runs wild
☻my imagination shapes the way I want it to . . . . a healthy dose of sanity I would prefer
call it, unlike some people (smiling complacently)
☺oh well, I’ll count the number of bones you break after falling into the REAL world :P
* * * * * * * * * * *
☺what’s up baby?
☻up? my head, n the ceiling n the sky beyond that . . . the sky isn’t the limit by the way
☺hmm . . . I know that, so watcha doing?
☻nothing in particular . . .
☺bad day?
☻ . . . . .
☺forgot what I told you? be mad but not sad
☻(smiling) yeah . . . that . . .
☺so tell me . . . how do I look? (new dress)
☻if you’re gorgeous n you know it say I am . . .
☺I am!
☻if you’re gorgeous n you know it n you’ve a face that really shows it, if you’re
gorgeous n you know it say I am . . .
☺I am!
☻hmmm . . . I knew Johnny Bravo reminded me of someone . . . .