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hard rock hallelujah

Uploaded by mr_vidal on Sep 25, 2006

The song "hard rock Hallelujah" is a song which tries to correct injustice done in the world, especially in the religious sector. The leading point is that the religious leaders, who supposed to guide the moral worlds, led the world into a horrible atmosphere of lies.

The rising question from the song is "if the religious leaders felt in their mission- who is to accomplish is?"- The answer is in the body of the texts:

"Rock 'n roll angels brings thyn Hard Rock Hallelujah".

In the Modern world, many rock and roll singers and bands try to do some justice in the ignorant world. They had worn the people time by time that Apocalypse is approaching, that G-d will not stand the sins any more, or that the people will bring disaster on themselves- without the generous aide of G-d. The Holocaust which is happening right in this moment in Darfur, Sudan is an example- thousands are being slaughtered and raped in genocide- and the world says nothing- the moral religious leaders stay shut [for farther information see:,7340,L-3307706,00.html (Hebrew) ].

The second house in the songs is a cry for revolution. "Lightening" mean people- all they need is the nations. When the nations will unite together under a moral rule- the prophets of false (the Pope, The Sheikhs, and The Chief Rabies) will be stroked down. And who will lead the revolution? Of course- Rock n' Roll Angels- the ones who started it all metaphorically- the ones who claim to a better world in their singing.

The true believers are of course the moral people of the world- the ones who are always simply good- not saints, not geniuses- just good. One doesn't have to make rain in circles to be good, or teach bible to birds. Being good is just not being bad. Not hard (really?). In the song, the simple good people are called "jokers". A Joker is a name for the strongest card in card games- but it also means a clown or a fool. The jokers will soon become kings. It can be interfered in two ways. The first way is a warning prophecy- The ones who play cards are nothing but pathetic clowns, but unfortunately they will become kings in this pathetic world. The second...

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Uploaded by:   mr_vidal

Date:   09/25/2006

Category:   Poems

Length:   2 pages (464 words)

Views:   2522

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