Uploaded by blueiron_0 on Dec 10, 2003
The article started off by saying that no person chooses to be unhappy. If this is
true, then we all must try to be happy. We all must search for some innate happiness to
fulfill our lives and hearts. However, that’s not the point the spitzer brings up. Spitzer is
trying to make people realize that there are different levels to happiness, and that each
one greatly differs from the last even if they’re all forms of happiness. It says there’s
material happiness, or happiness in a thing or possession that you own. Another
happiness it tells you about is feeling superior, or better than someone else. I think that is
a wrong kind of happiness. There’s another type of happiness where you feel happy about
doing charitable works, or seeing the good in other people. I don’t think anyone can be
truly content if they don’t believe that people are good. The last category of happiness is
the one where you’re just completely content with yourself and your surroundings. This
is true happiness. It can be achieved by love or goodness. I think that of the four
categories, this is the one that everyone is striving for.
The second essay goes even much deeper than that, telling us that there is
something that we strive for more than even happines. It says that there is a thign that can
fulfill us more deeply than the feelings that happiness gives to us. Kreeft brings up a very
good point when he talks about how sex is often times subsituted for sanctity or
something else that’s missing in a persons life. With my own experiences with it, I can
definitely see how he has a point. I’ve known partners who seem to use sex to fill a void
in their life instead of trying to fix it. He tells perople to get off of their butts and actually
go out and find their joy, not just sit down and mope, longing for some type of joy. He
seems to really believe that sex can be a good thing, under the right circumstances, but
should never be substitued for your heavenly grace. That, above everything else, seems to
be his main focus in the article
Coming from the viewpoint of a “new age hippie”, or so I am called by
many, I found these articles on happiness quite interesting. I find that I...