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We've Come A Long Way - Sex on TV

Uploaded by luckytina18 on Mar 06, 2001

"Ellen," "Will and Grace," MTV's "Undressed," only to name a few, are an example of some of the shows that many people think go against the morals of the American society. These shows have topics such as gay and lesbian relationships, people talking about sex openly, and basically, how the people around them react. Topics of this sort have not been allowed to be apart of primetime entertainment only until a couple of years ago because they are said to be immoral and a threat to people's values. It is about time that these topics are allowed to air on television because they show what is really going on in the world. It has been known for quite sometime that not everybody is intimate only with people of the opposite sex, and not everyone waits until marriage to lose their virginity. So, why try to pretend as if these values are still important and practiced by all? The question that crosses many is, "Why have these issues not been accepted yet?" Is the answer that some people have been taught that these things are wrong and immoral? These topics are not a threat to society; they are merely reality. It is time that that individuals are allowed to express their way of life without anyone putting them down and making them ashamed of who they are.

One of the issues that has to be accepted as a society is homosexuality. Gays and lesbians have participated in marches and in rallies, and some have even come out on TV asking our society to be more open-minded. These sorts of actions show that homosexuals don't want to be in the closet anymore. This is not the past where people felt ashamed of what they were, and would commit suicide for being gay. They are not the problem; it is society as a whole for not accepting their beliefs. As American citizens, everyone has a Constitutional right to do and act as they please as long as they don't infringe on the rights of others. Being homosexual does not hurting anyone. People who are homophobic discriminate them because they are afraid of what they don't know. Usually what happens, is that when we see homosexuals, people automatically think of what they do in bed instead of the person that they are. This isn't right, and this is where television comes to play. On television,...

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Uploaded by:   luckytina18

Date:   03/06/2001

Category:   Television

Length:   7 pages (1,569 words)

Views:   2298

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