Virtue Is Teachable, But Only By Yourself!
Uploaded by barry on Feb 06, 2004
Socrates says “virtue is not knowledge because it cannot be taught” and that “virtue is a divine dispensation.” You either have it or you don’t!
I agree that academic learning is not enough to cause virtue because you can find illiterate people in remote places that are virtuous. In addition to its divine element, however, I believe a constant effort is needed to pursue and find virtue.
If I consider the remote possibility that I’m virtuous now when I’m in my forties, I cannot assure myself that I was virtuous when I was eighteen. It would have to be gradually shaped with time and my desire to find it. If I can assume I’m virtuous now, I can attest that it came with a conscious effort in a pursuit to find my true self in life.
My teacher (myself) told me that all you need to do is to build and shape a conscious for yourself that constantly evaluates your behavior with respect to others, and always keeps you on the humble side, no matter how much you are talented or how much knowledge you have acquired in different areas.
Virtue manifests itself in many different things but humbleness, trustworthiness, and caring for others are its main pillars.