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Veterans Day

Uploaded by rajeshp105 on Nov 10, 2021

Veterans Day.

What is Veterans Day?
Veterans Day gives Americans the opportunity to celebrate the bravery and sacrifice of all U.S. veterans. However, most Americans confuse this holiday with Memorial Day, reports the Department of Veterans Affairs.
What's more, some Americans don't know why we commemorate our Veterans on Nov.11. It's imperative that all Americans know the history of Veterans Day so that we can honor our former service members properly.
The day is known and remembered throughout the United States as schools, most government offices, and many places of work close for the event, and military parades are held in major cities across the states and territories.
Unlike Memorial Day, Veterans Day includes all individuals who served through peace and war. It didn't always hold the same definition and name, but the core ideas of commemorating those who served in the Armed Forces has remained the same.

The History:
The day itself, the 11th of November, holds historical precedence dating back to the First World War. On this day in 1918, an armistice (or ceasefire) was signed between the Allied Nations in France, and the Central Powers in Germany. It unofficially marked the end of the Great War, and as such was dedicated Armistice Day by the 66th Congress following the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. At the time however, it was meant to serve as a holiday commemorating the end of the war. Many nations, such as those in the British Commonwealth, celebrate a remembrance on a day close to November 11th as well. Armistice Day was later codified into law in 1938. By 1954 however, the idea of the Great War being "the war to end all wars" had long faded in the minds of the American public. Just three decades after World War 1, hostilities with the Axis had engulfed the globe in another World War, and in 1950 the United States' War on Communism had led them to fight in the brutal Korean campaigns. President Eisenhower and the 84th Congressional Session amended the 1938 act to change from Armistice Day to Veterans Day. Veterans Day holds many traditions in its celebrations. Oftentimes at 11am, organizations will hold a moment of silence for veterans. US flags are flown at half-mast (halfway up the pole it is on) in remembrance of US servicemen. Many smaller traditions may occur varying from state, community, or organization contributing. Regardless of how it is...

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Uploaded by:   rajeshp105

Date:   11/10/2021

Category:   American History

Length:   3 pages (717 words)

Views:   747

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