The Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering (Cloning)
Uploaded by quebam06VSU on Nov 29, 2007
Four billion years ago, life arose on the Earth. Four billion years later, human beings begin to look into the secrets hidden in genes, which are the most delicate structure of life. Scientists in recent years have completed the Human Genome Project, which is one of the three most important advances in scientific history. Cloning is the major technique developed in the research of genes. To clone means to make genetically identical copies. As for human cloning, it is achieved by putting the genetic material from a donor’s somatic cell into a woman‘s egg, which has already had its nucleus removed. That is to say, the cloning cells share the same genetic materials with the donor. When it comes to human cloning, people begin to diverse in their opinions. Some think human cloning as gift from God while the others regard it as the work of Satan.
Bioethics, which is the study of value judgments pertaining to human conduct in the area of biology and includes those related to the practice of medicine, has been an important aspect of all areas in the scientific field (Bernstein, Maurice, M.D.). It is one of the factors that says whether or not certain scientific research can go on, and if it can, under which rules and regulations it must abide by. One of the most recent and controversial issues facing our society today is the idea of cloning.
It is true that we are just on the brink of discovering all of the dangers and benefits of genetic engineering and there is a lot of important information that still remains unknown. But instead of seeing the immense potential benefits of this mind-boggling discovery, the American public - fed on science fiction novels, horror stories of environmental disaster, a “growing mistrust of science” (Nelkin 1), and the fear of the unknown – automatically reject this god sent breakthrough.
In February of 1997, the biotechnology firm PPL Therapeutics in association with the Roslin Institute of Edinburgh, Scotland announced the first successful fully cloned mammal. They had cloned a lamb from an adult sheep, which they named Dolly after Dolly Parton (Mario,Christopher). The two shared the same nucleic DNA, but differed in terms of their mitochondrial DNA, which is vitally important for the regulation of the cell. The media and...