The Islamic Republic of Iran
Uploaded by irani_rousseauan on Feb 12, 2004
The Islamic Republic of Iran is an inherently viscious,
tyrannical, and sexist regime brought into place by ignorant
fanatical Muslims. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, a proud sponsorer of
the terrorist organization of Hezbollah, which is based in Lebanon,
advocated the death and persecution of Jews, Bahais, and advocates of
the Shah regime. I know that some may be tempted to argue that the
Shah was corrupt and his father, the first king in the Pahlavi
dynasty, forced women to remove their hijabs. Please! Tell me what
is worse. Taking off your scarf or giving a woman who does not wear
it properly some good lashings.
I am a Rousseauian at heart. I promote secularism. As for
Huma, she needs to read the essay she responded so inadequately to
again and understand the point that is being made. Its not ethical
for her in this day and age to simply jump to defending the hijab.
Death to the Islamic Republic of Iran! Long live democracy and
secularism! Religion and government must always be separate. If one
religion gets the upper hand, then the minority of believers of
different ideologies will always find themselves oppressed and