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The Hobbit

Uploaded by Admin on Jan 22, 1999

This is a story about a Hobbit whose name is Bilbo Baggins. One morning thirteen Dwarfs and Gandalf The Wandering Wizard appeared at Bilbo's door. The Dwarfs wanted Bilbo to help them conquer a dragon named Smaug, who had taken over their land. When Bilbo woke up the next morning, they started out on a journey towards Lonely Mountain. Then, a thunder storm came upon them and they found a dry cave and slept there for the night. Bilbo was awakened by a scraping sound, then he saw the stone wall open. The group was captured by Goblins. They found themselves in a large cavern in the mountain. The Goblin scowled at them. Then Thorin stepped forward and explained to him that they did not mean to trespass. Gandolf appeared at the door and freed the group from the goblins. The group ran ahead and Bilbo was lost behind them. Bilbo found an underwater lake and a ring on an island in the lake. He found out that the ring made him invisible. In the lake also lived a creature named Gollum. Gollum was a creature that ate other people. Gollum approached Bilbo and Bilbo told him he desired to find a way out. They then played a riddle game and if Bilbo won, he lived and if he lost, he would die. Bilbo won the riddle game but Gollum still wanted to eat him, But then Bilbo accidentally slipped the ring on his finger and became invisible, so he escaped. He met with the group again and walked with them for a few days. Gandolf left the group a few days later. The ring Bilbo had helped the group through two more circumstances along the journey. The group made it to the base of Lonely Mountain. They then climbed the mountain and found a secret entrance to the inside, where Smaug was. Thorin and the Dwarfs stayed outside. Bilbo went down a hallway and came upon Smaug. He then slipped on the ring he had found earlier and became invisible. Smaug awoke when Bilbo tried to steal a gold cup. Smaug knew that the Hobbit was there because he heard him. Smaug told Bilbo that nothing could pierce his scales. But when Bilbo searched Smaug's body he found a scale was missing in one spot. So Bilbo grabbed the cup and ran out of the mountain. Smaug followed Bilbo and started burning the city. Meanwhile,...

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Uploaded by:   Admin

Date:   01/22/1999

Category:   The Hobbit

Length:   2 pages (445 words)

Views:   2694

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