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The Clerk's Tale - Biblical Paradox

Uploaded by Leesa on Nov 16, 2001

To formulate any type of argument using the Bible as a reference is challenging, since the Bible is diversely perceived from person to person. These varied perceptions can be results of different translations of the Bible, the cultural background of the reader, or quite simply, a vagueness with which the Bible can lend itself to multiple interpretations. Nevertheless, there are certain topics which are void of much gray area, which are explicitly and consistently outlined by the authors of the various books found in the Bible. Marriage, while tirelessly mentioned throughout the entire Bible, can be included as one of these topics. There are certain elements about the topic which remain the same through the generations of contributors to the Sacred writ. Geoffrey Chaucer, in The Canterbury Tales, frequently alludes to marriage according to the Bible. While the book is not mentioned specifically in The Clerk’s Tale, it is interesting to examine how the Clerk’s characters, Walter and Grisilde, fulfill – or do not fulfill - the roles of biblical husband and wife. At the outset, it would seem that, biblically, they fit the roles assigned to them. However, as the tale progresses, inconsistencies escalate into a rather puzzling conclusion.

The reader should first be aware of how Chaucer presents the Bible overall in The Canterbury Tales. This will lay the foundation for how one might expect it to be used in The Clerk’s Tale specifically, and why it would be worth studying. The first great reference to the Bible in The Canterbury Tales is the Wife of Bath’s argument for her multiple marriages. This comprises most of her Prologue, and she mentions the names of many biblical characters to support her argument. To give one of many examples, she specifically mentions King Solomon when she says of him, “I trowe he hadde wyves mo than oon” (36). Other characters include Abraham (55), Jacob (56), Paul (64, 79, 160), and Mark (145). Another hugely obvious biblical reference is the Prioress’ Prologue and Tale. She begins her Prologue with, “O Lord, oure Lord, thy name how marveillous / Is in this large worlde y-sprad” (19). The Prioress’ Tale itself is centered around the Virgin Mary and Christian ideals. These are only two of many of The Canterbury Tales which have religious references.

Furthermore, the very fact that Chaucer’s characters are on a pilgrimage would suggest that they have some sort of religious upbringing....

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Uploaded by:   Leesa

Date:   11/16/2001

Category:   Cantebury Tales

Length:   6 pages (1,260 words)

Views:   2862

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The Clerk's Tale - Biblical Paradox

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