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Shoplifting effects the community

Uploaded by Admin on Dec 03, 1999

Shoplifting is a major problem in today life. The temptation of not paying for something, just hiding it away and saving your own money is a large factor for some people. The culprit just thinks he's getting a product for free and doesn't know what he's actually doing to himself and the community. Shoplifting effects everyone, yourself and the everyone in the local neighborhood. In this essay I'm going to explain some of the circumstances of stealing from local stores, or any store. After I've been caught stealing I found out how wrong it is and how it is a disadvantage to everyone. The stores are tying to crack down on shoplifters by making the punishments as strict as possible. Shoplifting effects the community in a big way. The stores get about three cents per every dollar purchased for an item. So if you figure that they don't make a whole lot of money out of profit. Every shoplifter that takes a product also is taking the product, which costs money by the store so that is also a set back and puts them more in dept. Some stores might even closed down because of shoplifters making the store go bankrupt. The stores usually raise there prices and then causes more shoplifting, but the people that don't shoplift just end up having to pay more for the product or else go somewhere else to shop. If the customer goes to a different store because of the rising prices the store will also lose business therefore could cause them to go out of business if enough customers leave. From shoplifting I've found out what happens to the stores and the people that keep trying to get five finger discount on products. If you do shoplift you feel immense humiliation and distrust from friends and family, and your own conscious is hurt if it isn't then there is something wrong with your feelings not to feel bad about stealing from stores. Every time you steal from stores they are set back that much money and might even have to fire someone that could be one of your friends. People in the community lose respect for you. If you do know someone that is in teen court or are friends with someone that is in teen court you will get your discipline from them,...

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Uploaded by:   Admin

Date:   12/03/1999

Category:   Social Issues

Length:   3 pages (573 words)

Views:   2193

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Shoplifting effects the community

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