Political Desire
Uploaded by professorzo on Mar 10, 2017
BY: Lorenzo Davis
The desire for political power has resulted in the massive incarceration of the minds, of the freedoms, and of the bodies of individual citizens. Philosophers have written that man is born in a state of selfish nature, and the fundamental need to survive has undermined the promise of inherent rights and afforded liberties in this democracy. We live in a culture of failure and inadequacy based upon the corruption of justice and the hatred of truth. Indeed, our founding fathers knew that in order to check the balances of power, the citizens first have to dismantle the system of tyranny, for no authority is exempt from public scrutiny. the dialectical engagement of the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government must do more than to respond to the challenges of academic proposals based upon traditional political norms. Social injustice must be relative to political judgments with the intent of eliminating potential biases of the predominately ultilatarism appetite. The selection of party affiliation labels must not be the focus in our often failed attempt at socially constructed language. Individual responsibility does not have to be only a conservative persuasion, and public accountability does not have to exist only in the mind of a liberal utopia.
The development of a sound disposition and societal progress demands a moral view of the world that exhibits the flexibility of evolution and challenges the misinformation of sensationalized media, but most importantly, it allows for everybody, including the poor individuals in marginalized communities to be heard. The goal and purpose in my life is to communicate my vision of an authentic economic, legal, and psychological success to those who seek it the most. Indeed, my vision started at the moment I encountered my prison sentence. The first vision that I had was to dismantle the natural desire for political power by sharing my personal experiences with the world. The realization of injustice is the first step to liberating all of us from our sentences: the sentence of being born in an incarcerated society is not justice, but it is not truth to those who deem my sentence a conspiracy. The only conspiracy in America is the conspiracy of not forgiving. It is the belief that individuals like myself do not deserve to have a second chance at worldly success in that ex-convicts failed to muster up the courage to fight against the inequitable realities of...