PSU soccer Field
Uploaded by jessica143 on Apr 20, 2004
PSU Soccer Field:
So often we don’t take the time to explore the many wonderful and unique places right here in out own back yard called Portland. If we did and let our senses take over not only would we find the experience fun, but we’ll also find the beauty and peace our city as to offer.
As I walk up to the area of Portland State University soccer field, I’m aware of the sound of cars making their way through traffic. Tires on pavement, engines running, brakes squeaking, and horns honking. When I finally reach my destination, I hear the laughter of children playing, and friends talking. People of all kinds are engaged in activities, some organized, some not. On the field clusters of people are standing around waiting for a game to begin. Some kids are in a circle just kicking the ball back and forth. Others are stretching and I spy on the coach on the sidelines standing there mentally preparing himself for a game. I look around and sense a spent of joy and fun is in the air. To be out in such a beautiful day in Portland.
Birds are chirping and I can see a slight sway of trees as a light breeze goes by. This is beauty at its finest. Gazing up all I see around me are magnificent multi million dollar homes scattered all over the hilltops of Portland. Sort of like they are keeping a constant watch over the city. The various shades of green all meet together covering the hills with an abundance of trees and bushes. All around flowers are starting their lives, blooming in all colors. As I go and take all this in, the sun beating down on me is absently try to play with a blade of grass forgetting for a moment that I’m sitting on astro turf. The fake grass seems out of place here when all around me nature is at its finest. Still it doesn’t take away from the beauty I have found here at the place.
Breathing deep the smell surprises me. The air smells so fresh. It’s the kind of air that when mixed with sun makes everything feels clean, and renewed. Closing my eyes I clear my mind and let my sense take over to remind me of all I have taken in this day. A sense of peace comes over me. I am...