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Nursing: Critical thinking ANA vs UOP

Uploaded by sheilm on Dec 13, 2004

Critical Thinking in Nursing

Scott R. Heilmann

Teaching and research are the foundation of universities, and nursing. How that research is conveyed to the learner is just as important as the research itself. This paper analyzes the different teaching styles and the benefits of incorporating critical thinking into the education system. The byproduct of such an education is a nurse who will be able to project ideas into the patient care equation.

Some of the boundaries preventing critical thinking in the workplace are the education system that prevents the future nurse from critically thinking early on. Students are told from a young age that certain knowledge is absolute. It is also widely believed that knowledge is power. Students learn to listen to the teacher. For example, the information in the lecture will be on the test. This information is implied to be correct, regardless of other possibilities. To counter the information expressed by the teacher could ultimately lead to a lower grade.

Critical thinking on the other hand, is the ability to think outside the box. It is necessary to not only answer every question, but to question every answer. How one goes about teaching a post-modern theory is still up for debate. There lies a thin line in between seeming to make suggestions to follow, and necessary information. However, the most important lesson one can learn while critically thinking is that power is perceived; not innate. That lesson will ultimately translate in the nurse’s ability to confront doctors, other medical personal, families, and administrators ending with the patients best interest at the helm.

Nursing as a profession is not immune to that traditional one way of concrete thinking. The doctor gives an order. The nurse follows through completing the order by passing on the medication the patient must take. Most things seem to be black or white, with a direct cause and effect relationship. In an article “A philosophy underlying excellence in research”, discusses the impact of maintaining a traditional education system on nurses. The article also discusses the consequences regarding changes towards critical thinking.

To fully understand the concepts discussed the article we must first look at our roots of knowledge. Paradigms of knowledge will allow us to better understand how we think and how we view learning. Schools and professors educate...

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Uploaded by:   sheilm

Date:   12/13/2004

Category:   Science And Technology

Length:   5 pages (1,102 words)

Views:   2561

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