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Nice proverbs

Uploaded by rajeshp105 on Oct 21, 2021

Some nice proverbs that we have heard over a period of time & their meaning:

1.Swedish proverb: The pillow is the best advisor.
Meaning: Sleep over a problem and see how you feel in the morning.

2. Kenyan proverb: When elephants fight, it is the grass that gets hurt.
Meaning: Fights of the powerful hurt only the little guys.

3. Ancient Roman proverb: Hunger is the best sauce.
Meaning: Everything tastes better when you are hungry.

4. Japanese proverb: A frog in a well does not know the great sea.
Meaning: There is more going on than you know, try and see the big picture.

5. Turkish proverb: If the world flooded, it would not matter to the duck.
Meaning: Things that are bad for you, aren’t always bad for everyone.

6. Filipino proverb: Leave it to the batman.
Meaning: Some problems require superheroes to solve.

7. Russian proverb: To live with the wolves, you have to howl like a wolf.
Meaning: In dangerous situations, try and blend in.

8. French proverb: A hungry stomach has no ears.
Meaning: You can’t concentrate without food in your tum tum.

9. Kenyan proverb: Slippery ground does not recognise a king.
Meaning: Even the most powerful people are just human deep down.

10. Gaelic proverb: A cat in mittens won’t catch mice.
Meaning: Being careful and polite doesn’t always get things done.

1.Swedish proverb: The pillow is the best advisor.
Meaning: Sleep over a problem and see how you feel in the morning.

2. Kenyan proverb: When elephants fight, it is the grass that gets hurt.
Meaning: Fights of the powerful hurt only the little guys.

3. Ancient Roman proverb: Hunger is the best sauce.
Meaning: Everything tastes better when you are hungry.

4. Japanese proverb: A frog in a well does not know the great sea.
Meaning: There is more going on than you know, try and see the big picture.

5. Turkish proverb: If the world flooded, it would not matter to the duck.
Meaning: Things that are bad for you, aren’t always bad for everyone.

6. Filipino proverb: Leave it to the batman.
Meaning: Some problems require superheroes to solve.

7. Russian proverb: To live with the wolves, you have to howl like a wolf.
Meaning: In dangerous situations, try and blend in.

8. French proverb: A hungry stomach has no ears.
Meaning: You can’t concentrate without food in your tum tum.

9. Kenyan proverb: Slippery ground does not recognise a king.
Meaning: Even the most powerful people are just human deep down.

10. Gaelic proverb: A cat in mittens won’t catch mice.

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Uploaded by:   rajeshp105

Date:   10/21/2021

Category:   Poetry

Length:   2 pages (409 words)

Views:   667

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