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Measle and the Wrathmonk

Uploaded by bigasslbk on Feb 05, 2006

My book is called ¡§Measle and the Wrathmonk¡¨. The book talks about a boy called Measle. Measle is an orphan, his parents died in a fire. Measle now lives with his uncle, Basil Tramplebone. Basil treats Measle badly; he forced Measle to give him all of his money. Basil used Measles¡¦s assets to build a train set. Why a train set? Why is it so important? That is because it is not only a train set, but also a gateway to an another world.

One day, Measle is curious about the train set. He cooked up a scheme to make Basil go to the bank. Measle was playing with the train set when Basil came back home. Basil was furious and made Measle to go through the gateway into the world. When Measle was about to give up and let Basil torture him, he met another victim of his uncle, his name was William. They met other victims and began to cook up a plan to get away. With a lot of disputes, they settled to build a tunnel and go through the gateway. It was a good but risky plan, they dug all night and when it was dawn, the tunnel was finished. That evening they sneaked out and got through the gateway. Luckily Basil was soundly asleep and didn¡¦t notice their getaway.

Basil woke up and found them all gone, he searched for them everywhere but they were not to be seen. That was because they had all escaped and left the country. The victims then lived happily after with memories of their marvelous escape.

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Uploaded by:   bigasslbk

Date:   02/05/2006

Category:   Book Reviews

Length:   1 pages (267 words)

Views:   3097

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