Identity through Normality
Uploaded by Anti on Nov 21, 2003
Here we stand before the Lord today, at the threshold of the very breakthrough that could someday lead us to leave his almighty shadow, and stand beside him as creators of Life. Yet as we strive to leave that dark and desolate valley of mortality, we continue to wallow in that darkness within His darkness, the darkness of hate, the darkness of deceit, the darkness of our brothers and sisters, who continue to envy and detest and taunt one another. Are such beings capable of grasping the enigma of life, the power capable of creating another being, and still possess the self-mastery to control ourselves, and not thirst from the cup of corruption to quench our thirst for power? How can we? Should not we first master ourselves, and rid the world of deceit and hate and envy before we create others who may, over the course of time, release the full strengths of these attributes?
Is not the Lord an almighty being, which none may equal in omnipotence or benevolence? Yet those who can achieve the highest levels of mental knowledge are presented with, in that they are not prohibited from, the opportunity to, in a sense, play with and abuse his magnanimous tools of Creation. If we continue on this path, then the powers will unleash themselves from their bonds of silence, and render our entire Earth in darkness. The dark and desolate valley of Normality will be exalted above the sunlit paths of Identity, and the solid stone of Personality will be rendered useless beneath the slithering quicksands of Uniformity. Is this truly the world the Founding Fathers of any, every country had hoped for when they breathed life into each individual nation?
We must not let identity become normality in a world that will eventually become engulfed in eternal darkness, the darkness of the tangled web of the perverted arachnid Incest. Identity must not become normality in a world where the flow of the waters of Justice and the mighty stream of Righteousness are halted in their cascade, delayed by the dark pit of an unknown sentient being in their paths, dug by indecision and doubt of emotional activity. Identity must not become normality in a world where armies of identical beings are sent to doom, their reins held loosely in the hands of nations, pawns of their superiorly ancestral brothers and sisters. Identity must not become normality...