Gun Control
Uploaded by ciminod on Sep 14, 1999
I think your gun control views are the views of some-one that does not hunt, probably has never hunted, and maybe has never target practiced with a gun. I am 19 and have had a great fascination my whole life with firearms. I really enjoy hunting and target practice.
In the great rush to prohibit firearms from "bad" people (felons), MY rights will be trampled on if any more gun control is passed on a federal or state level.
I do not want to give up my right to own an ak-47 because some dumb-ass gang member strung out on drugs shoots his neighbor.
You need to see through the pure bull-shit of ANY gun control measure, because the biggest proponents of gun control (HCI) will openly admit that the main purpose of any gun control is the eventual total prohibition of firearms out of the civilian population of the united states.
And for what end? The reduction of crime? We waste billions on the war on drugs to keep them out, and that doesn't work. Gun prohibition wouldn't work either.
I think rather the gun control the Swiss have is the best, which is none, and they are a very safe country. Every one of their citizens has to annually qualify for their personal competence in handling and shooting different guns. Thanks for your time.