Guild Wars 2 watch over his new world
Uploaded by 2guildwars2 on Aug 27, 2012
At the beginning, the god Guild Wars 2 watch over his new world of Atreia. Then it was a closed world, and he shone his power Guild Wars 2 its interior.
To make the place more beautiful people and decided to create a race of Drakan, which was their guard. Peace does not last long, because Drakan mastered the lust for power and the desire to subjugate all beings. The five largest Drakan increase their strength and size, even turned into the Dragon Lords, the first Balaur. When the god Guild Wars 2 refused to give them power and control over others, rebelled and declared war against him.
Being under the pressure of Guild Wars 2, created twelve Empyrean Lords, beings divine task to safeguard peace and the Guild Wars 2. Some people had the honor of becoming a Daeva and, like Empyrean Lords were given wings and ability to fly to fight the Balaur. Over time, there have been enough of them to be able to create an army. Lords led them into battle. After the millennium, the ongoing war, there was finally a chance for peace. The five Dragon Lords were invited to the peace talks, but no one came to fruition because one of them was killed by an unknown assailant. In the fighting that followed, Guild Wars 2 was destroyed by a massive Atreia disaster broke in half. Empyrean Lords Those who voted against the peace went on top of the world, seized power and called the Lords Shedim.
Those who want peace, hailed the Seraphim Lords, went to the bottom of Atreia and obięli it in possession. The lives of people on the bright side of the world has not changed much. Elyos supporters who Seraphim Lords created along with the city of Sanctum. Asmodians - living on the dark side changed very, their idwt0827 hands become like claws on the toes appeared claws. Lack of access to light also caused that their skin became darker and his eyes adapted to see in the dark, taking a red glow. Asmodians created Pandaemonium city, living in it with Shedim Lords.