Declaration of Independence
Uploaded by tommy53565 on Oct 18, 2001
My position on the Declaration of Independence is that it does still have meaning today in the U.S. and throughout the world. The Declaration of Independence changed the way people throughout the world thought about their government leaders and about their independence. The question is does the Declaration of Independence still have relevance today? I think it does, it helped shape what our country is today. If it were not for that letter we might be still drinking tea after school on the way to practice. Or we might be driving on the left side of the road.
I have listened to some of my fellow classmates for the last couple of days and I have heard them say that maybe we should re-write the Declaration of Independence over so that people today could better understand the document. But I don’t believe that you could just write a document over. It is famous for the way that it was written, to change it could take away some of the importance. But it would help younger people understand it better by changing the words to today’s meanings. But I believe that most people are able to comprehend what they are reading.
The important thing about the Declaration of Independence is not the document itself. It is the feeling and beliefs of group of people that were speaking for a whole nation, that took it upon themselves to make a difference in their lives and the lives of everyone present and future so that the citizens of this country could live their lives free of misrepresentation and ruling of people across the sea. We have a representative democracy so that all citizens can have an influence in the government. The people that were paying the taxes were now deciding on what to tax and how much. They didn’t have the king deciding it for them.
The Declaration of Independence will forever be looked at as a symbol of freedom, and that is how it should be.