Decisions and Their Affect on the Path of My Life
Uploaded by childgenius7 on Feb 09, 2007
Every day a person makes hundreds of decisions. Some of these include the mundane things in life: What am I going to wear? What do I eat for breakfast? However, each person at some time comes to a point in their lives when they must choose a path. This event is appropriately named a “crossroad” because that decision could entirely change the direction of one’s life. This event does not happen just once in a lifetime although each time it could mean something totally different. I myself, at the young age of sixteen can think of many instances when I hit a “crossroad.” Therefore, one can only imagine how many times this would happen to a full grown human being. With any decision comes satisfaction, regret, and a philosophical curiosity of what could’ve been.
One of the major decisions of my life thus far would be my decision for a high school. Repeatedly through childhood, we are told that our high school years are the ‘best of our lives.’ Therefore, I knew I would have to choose carefully where I wanted to spend the next four years. I could’ve gone with the simple decision; I could’ve gone with the flow. Most of the people in my elementary school were naturally going to the home school, Notre Dame. In fact, I was days away from the same fate. However, one day while sitting in class the day before Mayfield applications were due I spontaneously thought that I should just go for it. I had a lot of the typical worries, such as many of my friends not being there, but decided to take the leap of faith. Today, I couldn’t be more satisfied with my decision. My love of drama and the theatrical arts has developed me into a totally different person, who I believe was there and hidden all along. I have met great friends who I can’t imagine my life without. Furthermore, I have seen many of my old friends who chose my rejected decision of going to Notre Dame and have changed from the people I knew into someone else due to an environment that I believe to be different than Mayfield. I remain more than satisfied with my life choice that will forever shape my future.
Although satisfaction is a product of many decisions, regret is a product that seems to stand out a lot more. One situation that...