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Clones & other forms of Genetic Engineering are all wrong & can never be justified. Do you agree?

Uploaded by goody-2-shoes on Feb 22, 2004

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Clone is the title given to any organisms that are genetically identical. Cloning can be classified as a form of genetic engineering including AID (Artificial Insemination Donor) and AIH (Artificial Insemination Husband) and IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation). AID is the injecting of the semen of a male donor into the woman’s womb and AIH is the same with the difference that the semen is of the husband

These forms of ‘artificial’ conception have been questioned especially within religions as they can be seen as unnatural and an attempt to meddle with nature.

The two methods of cloning are reproductive and therapeutic. Whilst reproductive cloning leads to the creation of a human life and is intended to be made specifically illegal by the government, therapeutic cloning is the creation of embryos with the intent of destroying them once their purpose, i.e. to be experimented on, has been fulfilled. At present, parliament has allowed scientists to clone for research which is potentially lethal as well as immoral as the embryo has only one purpose of its life- to be experimented on and then necessarily eradicated.

Human cloning, i.e. reproductive cloning places the creation of new life in other hands than those of God. It usurps Gods role as the Almighty Creator. Cloning gives humans control over human fertility and therefore a possible utopia for those in future generations and while it sounds appealing and constructive in the present, it may not be the best idea when it the apparent utopia comes into action; it would create vast boundaries between what used to be individual families but instead turns into individual utopias into what can only be interpreted as a competition for the best ‘utopia’. However it is not man’s job to create its own world, mans job is simply to live in the world created by God for us.

Life is said to be a sacred gift from conception; the embryo has personhood from the point of conception. Once cloning is successful there will be no distinction between it and any other embryo. Each person has their own unique genetic ‘signature’ which gives them their identity; with cloning no person can be unique. In a sense, death will no longer mean anything because if one identity is lost, there will still be another ‘copy’. People will be replaceable-no one will die. Although eternal death may seem appealing, it is the hardships...

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Uploaded by:   goody-2-shoes

Date:   02/22/2004

Category:   Cloning

Length:   6 pages (1,324 words)

Views:   2602

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Clones & other forms of Genetic Engineering are all wrong & can never be justified. Do you agree?

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