Uploaded by crystallove on May 16, 2004
A fight breaks out between two sixth grade boys during lunch. One of the boys pulls out a gun from his back pocket and starts to shoot into the crowd surrounding him. Four children and one teacher fall dead. Who is to blame for this awful outcome? The parents who have brought the child into this world, or the school where he spends most of his days?
This is a common issue in today’s society. Many of us feel that society should tend to our children, and that all of us are equally to blame for a child that turns to violence. But shouldn’t the parents take the responsibility for their children’s behavior? In my opinion they should take full responsibility for how their children behave. There are many things a parent can do to raise respectable children, eliminate child abuse, educate themselves to benefit their children, reduce their children’s stress, become a good role model, and teach their children respected values of society.
One factor under the control of parents contributing to violent behavior in children is child abuse. There is no doubt that early child abuse and neglect place one at increased risk for adult criminal behavior. In a study at Indiana University they found that 26% of child abuse and neglect victims became juvenile offenders and 17% were arrested for violent crimes (Verny, 1997).
Education given to parents before their children are born and through out their child’s lives would greatly reduce these numbers and stop the cycle of violence. It is the parent’s responsibility to teach their children positive social values. There are many things that educated parents can do also to help their children become more well-rounded and healthy individuals. Most parents today work full time, leaving less time for them to spend with their children. This however should not stop those parents from teaching their children how to become ethical, responsible people. America’s future depends on our raising children who will become “soulful citizens, people who have values and beliefs that society approves of”, with the skills, confidence, and commitment to make a difference in the world. (Loeb, 1999). From the moment of conception there are many things a parent can do to influence their children, parents can show them happiness, sharing, respect and how to make healthy friends....