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Book Review - Bridget Jones's Diary

Uploaded by angel646 on Nov 10, 2002

Calories 1999 (continuing good work) number of times have read Bridget Jones’s Diary – 1 (v.g.) number of times roared with laughter while reading the book – infinite (excellent.)

Dear Diary,
Have just finished “Bridget Jones’s Diary” – wonderful! Am just pondering what makes this such an excellent novel. Hmm…

Have got it! Aha! Ahahahahahahaha! Am marvellous! Am genius!

Don’t we think like Bridget every day? Bridget Jones – a typical Londoner, smoker, drinker with a boring dead end office job, living in a pigsty, in a life of calorie-counting, loveless, neurotic worrying. But this sounds like any 30 year old so why has this Helen Fielding novel not only been a best-seller, but one of the most successful films of 2001?…

Ooh, I know! (am truly excelling self). Because millions of females have burst into spontaneous applause with the joy of finding a pioneer for the “noughties”. Bridget, and her diary, saving women everywhere from desolate loneliness and (in her own words)

“being found two weeks later, half-eaten by an Alsatian.”

Those who have read this side-splitting story will have felt for Jones in her ‘difficult’ life, simply because they relate to every aspect of this diary. But how can the average female stand side by side with our heroine when her life is crazy and ours…well, isn’t. But if you get down to the basics, it’s easy.

Take family, that group of people you love to bits until, once again, they come out with the wrong thing at the wrong time. Like Mummy Jones, desperately denying that she is no longer twenty-one but in fact has another 34 years added on at least, competes constantly with friend Una Alconbury to be ‘hostess with the mostest’.

After returning with a “friend” from a trip with Una, Mrs Jones really has broken Colin Jones’s last nerve. A tender character, he meekly accepts that his wife has found another man, who turns out to be a criminal mastermind who doesn’t speak English. Still, love rules over all, and the Jones’s are thrown back together as “Julio” is hauled away to jail.

Something families are terribly good at is fixing your life up the way they would like to have their lives fixed up for them. Yet for once, Bridget finds her mother doing something wonderful for her. Fixing her up with a “super-dooper” job in television i.e. making a total idiot of yourself. Sit up Britain television company isn’t a...

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Uploaded by:   angel646

Date:   11/10/2002

Category:   Book Reviews

Length:   4 pages (1,011 words)

Views:   3452

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Book Review - Bridget Jones's Diary

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