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Active Buy swtor techniques and special attacks

Uploaded by 2guildwars2 on Aug 16, 2012

We also intend to make changes to other techniques and mechanisms with which you are already familiar. The list and the summary below are by no means exhaustive, but they should give you a good idea of what we want to do for each specialization.

* In PvP, we want to reduce dependence on thieves cooldown of different techniques and bit of dizziness. And thereby giving them a greater chance of survival passive. One of the biggest changes is that "Cheap Shot" will be on the same basis of diminishing returns as other stuns. The armor and endurance which will be given to objects in fabric, leather and mesh help achieve this goal also.

* In PvE, even taking into account elements such as Swtor and Envenom, much of the damage the thief have their source in damage liabilities. We agree on the fact that they are used over the life of the fighting, but we want to reduce the percentage of damage the thief whose origin comes from auto attacks and poisons. Active techniques and special attacks are the source of most of the damage the thief.

* We want to make the experience of playing the thief over the levels more interesting. At lower levels, the attacks of thieves will be less based on damage over time and other techniques that require a precise positioning. But this is the case in group configurations to higher levels. Thieves from lower levels will also have access to a new technique Conversion, to convert combo points into a slight heal over time.

* In addition to changes combo points, non-offensive techniques as Conversion and Swtor will not require a target to be used. Furthermore it can be used with any type of combo point, even those on a target having been killed. This will not apply to offensive techniques, which always require combo points on target. Given these changes, the interface will be modified so that thieves can know how many combo points they have access.

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Uploaded by:   2guildwars2

Date:   08/16/2012

Category:   Poems

Length:   1 pages (331 words)

Views:   4339

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