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A Tale of Two Cities: Foreshadowing

Uploaded by Mr_Nick on May 20, 2000

Many famous writers use foreshadowing. An author needs to use different instances of foreshadowing. Charles Dickens was a great British author who used foreshadowing. A Tale of Two Cities, written by Charles Dickens, contains many examples of foreshadowing.

One example of foreshadowing is Sydney Carton’s promise to Lucie that he will do anything for Lucy or any dear to Lucie. At the beginning of the novel when Stryver brought up to Carton his love for Lucie, “Sydney Carton drank the punch at a great rate, drank it by the bumpers, looking at his friend” (129). The fact that Sydney began drinking quickly gave the clue that Carton is developing a love for Lucie. Earlier we know this fits because of Stryver and Carton’s conversation at the Old Bailey. Carton says, “[W]ho made the Old Bailey a judge of beauty? She was a golden haired doll!” (84). These two quotes show that Sydney Carton has feelings for Lucie. When Charles Darnay marries Lucie, Carton’s feelings do not waver. “For you, and for any dear to you, I would do anything” Carton says (141). This promise is the key to Carton’s fate, and with this he foreshadows his doom when he follows through with it, costing him his life.

Another example of foreshadowing is the clues to the death of the Marquis St. Evremonde. The people that want a revolution hate the Marquis. “That I believe our name to be more detested then any name in France” from Charles Darnay to the Marquis (113). The Marquis hears this and reply’s “’A compliment’, said the Marquis, ‘to the grandeur of the family’”(showing that he is completely oblivious to what is going on in France)(113). This is foreshadowing that the people will probably punish the Marquis. The final event is when the Marquis’s coach ran over a child and he replied “’It is extraordinary to me, said he ‘ that you people cannot take care of yourselves and you children’”(102). Then Defarge throws his coin back into the carriage, showing his anger. This event angers the people, and is a key part in the foreshadowing of the Marquis’s death.

The final example of foreshadowing is Dr. Manette‘s ordeal with the Evremondes. Throughout the second book in the novel, Dr. Manette’s past was clouded. We get some foreshadowing when Darnay offers to reveal his name to Dr. Manette, but Dr. Manette says “Stop!” and we start to hint...

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Uploaded by:   Mr_Nick

Date:   05/20/2000

Category:   A Tale Of Two Cities

Length:   2 pages (546 words)

Views:   4729

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